import math
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import gamma
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
from scipy.integrate import trapezoid
def interp(y, x, pos=False, floor=False) -> np.ndarray:
"""Interpolate uniformly sampled data.
This function is a convenience wrapper for standard interpolation, used in dcmri for instance to parametrize non-stationat models.
y (array-like): List of values to interpolate. These are assumed to be uniformly distributed over x.
x (array-like): Interpolate y at these locations.
pos (bool, optional): return only positive values. Defaults to False.
floor (bool, optional): Return only results higher than the lowest value in y. Defaults to False.
np.ndarray: array of the same length as x, containing the values of y interpolated on x.
The function uses linear interpolate when y has length 2, quadratic when y has length 3, and cubic spline interpolation otherwise.
>>> import dcmri as dc
>>> dc.interp([1,3,2], np.arange(10))
array([1. , 1.68888889, 2.23333333, 2.63333333, 2.88888889,
3. , 2.96666667, 2.78888889, 2.46666667, 2. ])
# Interpolate y on x, assuming y-values are uniformly distributed over the x-range
if np.isscalar(y):
yi = y*np.ones(len(x))
elif np.size(y) == 1:
yi = y[0]*np.ones(len(x))
elif np.size(y) == 2:
yi = _lin(x, y)
elif np.size(y) == 3:
yi = _quad(x, y)
x_y = np.linspace(np.amin(x), np.amax(x), len(y))
yi = CubicSpline(x_y, y)(x)
if pos:
yi[yi < 0] = 0
if floor:
y0 = np.amin(y)
yi[yi < y0] = y0
return yi
def _quad(t, K):
# Helper
nt = len(t)
mid = math.floor(nt/2)
return _quadratic(t, t[0], t[mid], t[-1], K[0], K[1], K[2])
def _lin(t, K):
# Helper
return _linear(t, t[0], t[-1], K[0], K[1])
def _linear(x, x1, x2, y1, y2):
# Helper
# returns a linear function of x
# that goes through the two points (xi, yi)
L1 = (x2-x)/(x2-x1)
L2 = (x-x1)/(x2-x1)
return y1*L1 + y2*L2
def _quadratic(x, x0, x1, x2, y0, y1, y2):
# Helper
# returns a quadratic function of x
# that goes through the three points (xi, yi)
L0 = (x-x1)*(x-x2)/((x0-x1)*(x0-x2))
L1 = (x-x0)*(x-x2)/((x1-x0)*(x1-x2))
L2 = (x-x0)*(x-x1)/((x2-x0)*(x2-x1))
return y0*L0 + y1*L1 + y2*L2
def tarray(n, t=None, dt=1.0):
# Helper function - generate time array.
if t is None:
t = dt*np.arange(n)
if not isinstance(t, np.ndarray):
t = np.array(t)
if len(t) != n:
raise ValueError('Time array must have same length as the input.')
return t
def trapz(f, t=None, dt=1.0):
# Helper function - perform trapezoidal integration.
# Replace by scipy.integrate.trapezoid
f = np.array(f)
n = len(f)
t = tarray(n, t=t, dt=dt)
g = np.empty(n)
g[0] = 0
for i in range(n-1):
g[i+1] = g[i] + (t[i+1]-t[i]) * (f[i+1]+f[i]) / 2
return g
def ddelta(T, t):
# Helper function - discrete delta
if not isinstance(t, np.ndarray):
t = np.array(t)
n = len(t)
h = np.zeros(n)
if T < t[0]:
return h
if T > t[-1]:
return h
if T == t[0]:
h[0] = 2/(t[1]-t[0])
return h
if T == t[-1]:
h[-1] = 2/(t[-1]-t[-2])
return h
i = np.where(T >= t)[0][-1]
u = (T-t[i])/(t[i+1]-t[i])
if i == 0:
h[i] = (1-u)*2/(t[i+1]-t[i])
h[i] = (1-u)*2/(t[i+1]-t[i-1])
if i == n-2:
h[i+1] = u*2/(t[i+1]-t[i])
h[i+1] = u*2/(t[i+2]-t[i])
return h
def dstep(T0, T1, t):
# Helper function - discrete step
if not isinstance(t, np.ndarray):
t = np.array(t)
n = len(t)
i = np.where((t > T0)*(t < T1))[0]
if len(i) == 0:
return ddelta((T0+T1)/2, t)
i0, i1 = i[0], i[-1]
t0, t1 = t[i0], t[i1]
hi = 0
if i0 > 0:
u0 = (t0-T0)/(t0-t[i0-1])
hi += 0.5*(1+u0)*(t0-t[i0-1])
if i0 > 1:
hi += 0.5*u0*(t[i0-1]-t[i0-2])
hi += t1-t0
if i1 < n-1:
u1 = (T1-t1)/(t[i1+1]-t1)
hi += 0.5*(1+u1)*(t[i1+1]-t1)
if i1 < n-2:
hi += 0.5*u1*(t[i1+2]-t[i1+1])
h = np.zeros(n)
h[i] = 1/hi
if i0 > 0:
h[i0-1] = u0/hi
if i1 < n-1:
h[i1+1] = u1/hi
return h
def ddist(H, T, t):
# discrete distribution - T is an array of times with the boundaries of the histogram bins
h = np.zeros(len(t))
for k in range(len(T)-1):
h += H[k]*dstep(T[k], T[k+1], t)
return h
def intprod(f, h, t=None, dt=1.0):
# Helper function
# Integrate the product of two piecewise linear functions
# by analytical integration over each interval.
# Derivation:
# If f and h are linear between x and y, then we can define slopes:
# dx = y-x
# sf(x) = (f(y)-f(x))/dx
# sh(x) = (h(y)-h(x))/dx
# With this the integral over the interval becomes:
# \int_x^y du f(u)h(u)
# = \int_0^dx du [f(x)+usf(x)] [h(x)+ush(x)]
# = f(x)*h(x)*dx
# + [f(x)*sh(x)+sf(x)*h(x)]dx**2/2
# + sf(x)*sh(x)*dx**3/3
g = 0
for l in range(len(f)-1):
if t is not None:
dt = t[l+1]-t[l]
sf = (f[l+1]-f[l])/dt
sh = (h[l+1]-h[l])/dt
g += h[l]*f[l]*dt
g += (sh*f[l]+sf*h[l])*dt**2/2
g += sh*sf*dt**3/3
return g
def _intstep(f, h, t=None, dt=1.0):
g = f*h
if t is None:
return 0.5*np.sum(g[1:]+g[:-1])*dt
return 0.5*np.sum((g[1:]+g[:-1])*(t[1:]-t[:-1]))
def uconv(f, h, dt=1.0, solver='trap'):
# Helper function: convolution over uniformly sampled grid.
n = len(f)
g = np.zeros(n)
h = np.flip(h)
for k in range(1, n):
if solver == 'trap':
g[k] = intprod(f[:k+1], h[-(k+1):], dt=dt)
elif solver == 'step':
g[k] = _intstep(f[:k+1], h[-(k+1):], dt=dt)
return g
def conv(f, h, t=None, dt=1.0, solver='step'):
"""Convolve two 1D-arrays.
This function returns the convolution :math:`f(t)\\otimes h(t)`, using piecewise linear integration to approximate the integrals in the convolution product.
f (array_like): the first 1D array to be convolved.
h (array_like): the second 1D array to be convolved.
t (array_like, optional): the time points where the values of f are defined. If t=None, the time points are assumed to be uniformly spaced with spacing dt. Defaults to None.
dt (float, optional): spacing between time points for uniformly spaced time points. This parameter is ignored if t is explicity provided. Defaults to 1.0.
ValueError: if f and h have a different length.
numpy.ndarray: a 1D numpy array of the same length as f and h.
See Also:
`expconv`, `biexpconv`, `nexpconv`, `stepconv`
The convolution product :math:`f(t)\\otimes h(t)` implemented by `conv` is explicitly defined as:
.. math::
g(t) = \\int_0^t du\\, f(u) h(t-u)
`conv` returns an approximation to this continuous convolution product, calculated by piecewise linear integration. This is not to be confused with other convolution functions, such as `numpy.convolve` which performs discrete convolution. Tracer-kinetic theory is defined by continuous equations and therefore should be performed with `conv` for maximal accuracy, though the difference may be small at high temporal resolution.
`conv` is generally applicable to any f(t) and h(t), but more accurate formulae for some special cases exists and should be used if available. An example is `expconv`, to be used when either f(t) or h(t) is an exponential.
Import package and create vectors f and h:
>>> import dcmri as dc
>>> f = [5,4,3,6]
>>> h = [2,9,1,3]
Calculate :math:`g(t) = f(t) \\otimes h(t)` over a uniformly sampled grid of time points with spacing dt=1:
>>> dc.conv(f, h)
array([ 0. , 25.33333333, 41.66666667, 49. ])
Calculate the same convolution over a grid of time points with spacing dt=2:
>>> dc.conv(f, h, dt=2)
array([ 0. , 50.66666667, 83.33333333, 98. ])
Calculate the same convolution over a non-uniform grid of time points:
>>> t = [0,1,3,7]
>>> dc.conv(f, h, t)
array([ 0. , 25.33333333, 57.41666667, 108.27083333])
if len(f) != len(h):
raise ValueError('f and h must have the same length.')
if t is None:
return uconv(f, h, dt, solver=solver)
n = len(t)
g = np.zeros(n)
tf = np.flip(t)
f = np.flip(f)
for k in range(1, n):
tkf = t[k]-tf[-(k+1):]
tk = np.unique(np.concatenate((t[:k+1], tkf)))
fk = np.interp(tk, tkf, f[-(k+1):], left=0, right=0)
hk = np.interp(tk, t[:k+1], h[:k+1], left=0, right=0)
if solver == 'trap':
g[k] = intprod(fk, hk, tk)
elif solver == 'step':
g[k] = _intstep(fk, hk, tk)
return g
def inttrap(f, t, t0, t1):
# Helper function: integrate f from t0 to t1
ti = t[(t0 < t)*(t < t1)]
ti = np.concatenate(([t0], ti, [t1]))
fi = np.interp(ti, t, f, left=0, right=0)
return np.trapezoid(fi, ti)
def stepconv(f, T, D, t=None, dt=1.0):
"""Convolve a 1D-array with a normalised step function.
f (array_like): the 1D array to be convolved.
T (float): the central time point of the step function.
D (float): half-width of the step function, as a fraction of T. D must be less or equal to 1.
t (array_like, optional): the time points where the values of f are defined, in the same units as T. If t=None, the time points are assumed to be uniformly spaced with spacing dt. Defaults to None.
dt (float, optional): spacing between time points for uniformly spaced time points. This parameter is ignored if t is explicity provided. Defaults to 1.0.
ValueError: if D > 1.
numpy.ndarray: a 1D numpy array of the same length as f.
See Also:
`conv`, `expconv`, `biexpconv`, `nexpconv`
`stepconv` implements the same convolution product as `conv`, but is more accurate and faster in the special case where one of the factors is known to be a step function.
Import package, create a vector f and an array of time points:
>>> import dcmri as dc
>>> f = [5,4,3,6]
>>> t = [0,2,4,7]
Convolve f with a step function that is centered on t=3 with a half width of 1.5 = 0.5*3:
>>> dc.stepconv(f, 3, 0.5, t)
array([0. , 0.8125 , 3.64583333, 3.5625 ])
if D > 1:
raise ValueError('The dispersion factor D must be <= 1')
TW = D*T # Half width of step
T0 = T-TW # Initial time point of step
T1 = T+TW
n = len(f)
t = tarray(n, t=t, dt=dt)
g = np.zeros(n)
k = len(t[t < T0])
ti = t[(T0 <= t)*(t <= T1)]
for tk in ti:
g[k] = inttrap(f, t, 0, tk-T0)
k += 1
ti = t[T1 < t]
for tk in ti:
g[k] = inttrap(f, t, tk-T1, tk-T0)
k += 1
return g/(2*TW)
def expconv(f, T, t=None, dt=1.0):
"""Convolve a 1D-array with a normalised exponential.
This function returns the convolution :math:`f(t)\\otimes\\exp(-t/T)/T` using an efficient and accurate numerical formula, as detailed in the appendix of `Flouri et al (2016) <>`_
f (array_like): the 1D array to be convolved.
T (float): the characteristic time of the normalized exponential function.
t (array_like, optional): the time points where the values of f are defined, in the same units as T. If t=None, the time points are assumed to be uniformly spaced with spacing dt. Defaults to None.
dt (float, optional): spacing between time points for uniformly spaced time points. This parameter is ignored if t is explicity provided. Defaults to 1.0.
numpy.ndarray: a 1D numpy array of the same length as f.
See Also:
`conv`, `biexpconv`, `nexpconv`, `stepconv`
`expconv` implements the same convolution product as `conv`, but is more accurate and faster in the special case where one of the factors is known to be an exponential:
.. math::
g(t) = \\frac{e^{-t/T}}{T} \\otimes f(t)
In code this translates as:
.. code-block:: python
g = expconv(f, T, t)
`expconv` should be used instead of `conv` whenever this applies. Since the transit time distribution of a compartment is exponential, this is an important use case.
`expconv` can calculate a convolution between two exponential factors, but in that case an analytical formula can be used which is faster and more accurate. It is implemented in the function `biexpconv`.
Import package and create a vector f:
>>> import dcmri as dc
>>> f = [5,4,3,6]
Calculate :math:`g(t) = f(t) \\otimes \\exp(-t/3)/3` over a uniformly sampled grid of time points with spacing dt=1:
>>> dc.expconv(f, 3)
array([0. , 1.26774952, 1.89266305, 2.6553402 ])
Calculate the same convolution over a grid of time points with spacing dt=2:
>>> dc.expconv(f, 3, dt=2)
array([0. , 2.16278873, 2.7866186 , 3.70082337])
Calculate the same convolution over a non-uniform grid of time points:
>>> t = [0,1,3,7]
>>> dc.expconv(f, 3, t)
array([0. , 1.26774952, 2.32709015, 4.16571645])
if T == 0:
return f
f = np.array(f)
n = len(f)
t = tarray(n, t=t, dt=dt)
x = (t[1:n] - t[0:n-1])/T
df = (f[1:n] - f[0:n-1])/x
E = np.exp(-x)
E0 = 1-E
E1 = x-E0
add = f[0:n-1]*E0 + df*E1
g = np.zeros(n, dtype=E.dtype)
for i in range(0, n-1):
g[i+1] = E[i]*g[i] + add[i]
return g
def biexpconv(T1, T2, t):
"""Convolve two normalised exponentials analytically.
T1 (float): the characteristic time of the first exponential function.
T2 (float): the characteristic time of the second exponential function, in the same units as T1.
t (array_like, optional): the time points where the values of f are defined, in the same units as T.
numpy.ndarray: The result of the convolution as a 1D array.
See Also:
`conv`, `expconv`, `nexpconv`, `stepconv`
`biexpconv` returns the exact analytical result of the following convolution:
.. math::
g(t) = \\frac{e^{-t/A}}{A} \\otimes \\frac{e^{-t/B}}{B}
The formula is a biexponential with unit area:
.. math::
g(t) = \\frac{Ae^{-t/A}-Be^{-t/B}}{A-B}
In code this translates as:
.. code-block:: python
g = biexpconv(A, B, t)
Import package and create a vector of uniformly sampled time points t with spacing 5.0s:
>>> import dcmri as dc
>>> t = 5.0*np.arange(4)
Calculate the convolution of two normalised exponentials with time constants 10s and 15s:
>>> g = dc.biexpconv(10, 15, t)
array([-0. , 0.02200013, 0.02910754, 0.02894986])
if T1 == T2:
return (t/T1) * np.exp(-t/T1)/T1
return (np.exp(-t/T1)-np.exp(-t/T2))/(T1-T2)
def nexpconv(n, T, t):
"""Convolve n identical normalised exponentials analytically
n (float): number of exponentials. Since an analytical formula is used this can also be non-integer.
T (float): the characteristic time of the exponential.
t (array_like, optional): the time points where the values of f are defined, in the same units as T.
numpy.ndarray: The result of the convolution as a 1D array.
ValueError: if n<1 and if T<0
See Also:
`conv`, `expconv`, `biexpconv`, `stepconv`
`nexpconv` returns the exact analytical result of the following n convolutions:
.. math::
g(t) = \\frac{e^{-t/T}}{T} \\otimes \\ldots \\otimes \\frac{e^{-t/T}}{T}
The result is a gamma variate function with unit area:
.. math::
g(t) = \\frac{1}{\\Gamma(n)}\\left(\\frac{t}{T}\\right)^{n-1} \\frac{e^{-t/T}}{T}
Note the gamma-variate function becomes unstable due to numerical
overflow at large n and/or short T.
This function handles that situation by moving to a numerical
solution, but this slows down the computations significantly.
Callers should if possible avoid this situation by placing suitable
bounds on the parameters.
Import package and create a vector of uniformly sampled time points t with spacing 5.0s:
>>> import dcmri as dc
>>> t = 5.0*np.arange(4)
Calculate the convolution of 4 normalised exponentials with time constants 5s:
>>> g = dc.nexpconv(4, 5, t)
array([0. , 0.01226265, 0.03608941, 0.04480836])
if T < 0:
raise ValueError('T must be non-negative')
if n < 1:
raise ValueError('n cannot be smaller than 1')
if not isinstance(t, np.ndarray):
t = np.array(t)
u = t/T
# Calculate gamma variate, silencing the warnings
# as invalid cases are handled properly in the next line.
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore', over='ignore', under='ignore'):
g = u**(n-1) * np.exp(-u)/T/gamma(n)
# Handle overflow/invalid values
if False in np.isfinite(g):
# At large n the analytical formula runs into overflow
# use numerical calculation in this case (slower and less accurate)
# The caller is responsible for avoiding this situation by setting suitable parameter bounds
g = np.exp(-t/T)/T
n0 = int(np.floor(n))
for _ in range(n0-1):
g = expconv(g, T, t)
if n != n0:
# Interpolate between n0 and n0+1
g1 = expconv(g, T, t)
u = n-n0
g = g*u + g1*(1-u)
return g
def sample(t, tp, Sp, dt=None) -> np.ndarray:
"""Sample a signal at given time points.
t (array-like): The time points at which to evaluate the signal.
tp (array-like): the time points of the signal to be sampled.
Sp (array-like): the values of the signal to be sampled. Values that are outside of the range are set to zero.
dt (float, optional): sampling duration. If this is not provided, linear interpolation between the data points is used. Defaults to None.
np.ndarray: Signals sampled at times t.
if dt is None:
return np.interp(t, tp, Sp, left=0, right=0)
if dt == 0:
return np.interp(t, tp, Sp, left=0, right=0)
Ss = np.zeros(len(t))
for k, tk in enumerate(t):
# data = Sp[(tp >= tk) & (tp < tk+dt)]
# data = Sp[(tp >= tk-dt/2) & (tp < tk+dt/2)]
# if data.size > 0:
# Ss[k] = np.mean(data)
# NEW (trapezoidal integration - more accurate)
tb = [tk-dt/2, tk+dt/2]
Sb = np.interp(tb, tp, Sp)
i = (tp > tb[0]) & (tp < tb[1])
ti = np.concatenate(([tb[0]], tp[i], [tb[1]]))
Si = np.concatenate(([Sb[0]], Sp[i], [Sb[1]]))
Ss[k] = trapezoid(Si, ti)/dt
return Ss
def add_noise(signal, sdev: float) -> np.ndarray:
"""Add noise to an MRI magnitude signal.
signal (array-like): Signal values.
sdev (float): Standard deviation of the noise.
np.ndarray: signal with noise added.
noise_x = np.random.normal(0, sdev, np.size(signal))
noise_y = np.random.normal(0, sdev, np.size(signal))
signal = np.sqrt((signal+noise_x)**2 + noise_y**2)
return signal