import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import dcmri.kidney as pkk
import dcmri.lib as lib
import dcmri.ui as ui
import dcmri.sig as sig
import dcmri.utils as utils
class KidneyCortMed(ui.Model):
General model for renal cortico-medullary data.
**Kinetic parameters**
- **Hct** (float, optional): Hematocrit.
- **Fp** Plasma flow in mL/sec/mL.
- **Eg** Glomerular extraction fraction.
- **fc** Cortical flow fraction.
- **Tg** Glomerular mean transit time in sec.
- **Tv** Peritubular & venous mean transit time in sec.
- **Tpt** Proximal tubuli mean transit time in sec.
- **Tlh** Lis of Henle mean transit time in sec.
- **Tdt** Distal tubuli mean transit time in sec.
- **Tcd** Collecting duct mean transit time in sec.
**Input function**
- **aif** (array-like, default=None): Signal-time curve in a feeding artery. If AIF is set to None, then the parameter ca must be provided (arterial concentrations).
- **ca** (array-like, default=None): Concentration (M) in the arterial input. Must be provided when aif = None, ignored otherwise.
**Acquisition parameters**
- **sequence** (str, default='SR'): imaging sequence.
- **dt** (float, optional): Sampling interval of the AIF in sec.
- **agent** (str, optional): Contrast agent generic name.
- **field_strength** (float, optional): Magnetic field strength in T.
- **TR** (float, optional): Repetition time, or time between excitation pulses, in sec.
- **FA** (float, optional): Nominal flip angle in degrees.
- **Tsat** (float, optional): Time before start of readout (sec).
- **TC** (float, optional): Time to the center of the readout pulse
- **n0** (float, optional): Baseline length in number of acquisitions.
**Signal parameters**
- **R10c** (float, optional): Precontrast cortex relaxation rate in 1/sec.
- **R10m** (float, optional): Precontrast medulla relaxation rate in 1/sec.
- **R10a** (float, optional): Precontrast arterial relaxation rate in 1/sec.
- **S0c** (float, optional): Signal scaling factor in the cortex (a.u.).
- **S0m** (float, optional): Signal scaling factor in the medulla (a.u.).
**Prediction and training parameters**
- **free** (array-like): list of free parameters. The default depends on the kinetics parameter.
- **free** (array-like): 2-element list with lower and upper free of the free parameters. The default depends on the kinetics parameter.
**Other parameters**
- **vol** (float, optional): Liver volume in mL.
See Also:
`Kidney`, `Liver`
Derive model parameters from simulated data:
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> import dcmri as dc
Use `fake_kidney` to generate synthetic test data:
>>> time, aif, roi, gt = dc.fake_kidney(CNR=100)
Build a tissue model and set the constants to match the experimental conditions of the synthetic test data:
>>> model = dc.KidneyCortMed(
... aif = aif,
... dt = time[1],
... agent = 'gadoterate',
... TR = 0.005,
... FA = 15,
... TC = 0.2,
... n0 = 10,
... )
Train the model on the ROI data and predict signals and concentrations:
>>> model.train(time, roi)
Plot the reconstructed signals (left) and concentrations (right) and compare the concentrations against the noise-free ground truth:
>>> model.plot(time, roi, ref=gt)
free = {} #: lower- and upper free for all free parameters.
def __init__(self, sequence='SR', **params):
# Config
self.sequence = sequence
# Input function
self.aif = None = None
# Acquisition parameters
self.field_strength = 3.0
self.t = None
self.dt = 0.5
self.agent = 'gadoterate'
self.n0 = 1
self.TR = 0.005
self.FA = 15.0
self.Tsat = 0
self.TC = 0.085
self.TS = None
# Tracer-kinetic parameters
self.Hct = 0.45
self.Fp = 0.03
self.Eg = 0.15
self.fc = 0.8
self.Tg = 4
self.Tv = 10
self.Tpt = 60
self.Tlh = 60
self.Tdt = 30
self.Tcd = 30
# Signal parameters
self.R10c = 1/lib.T1(3.0, 'kidney')
self.R10m = 1/lib.T1(3.0, 'kidney')
self.R10a = 1/lib.T1(3.0, 'blood')
self.S0c = 1
self.S0m = 1
# Other parameters
self.vol = None
# training parameters = {
'Fp': [0.01, 1],
'Eg': [0, 1],
'fc': [0, 1],
'Tg': [0, 10],
'Tv': [0, 30],
'Tpt': [0, np.inf],
'Tlh': [0, np.inf],
'Tdt': [0, np.inf],
'Tcd': [0, np.inf],
# overide defaults
for k, v in params.items():
setattr(self, k, v)
# Check inputs
if (self.aif is None) and ( is None):
raise ValueError(
'Please provide either an arterial sigal (aif) or an arterial concentration (ca).')
def time(self):
"""Array of time points
np.ndarray: time points in seconds.
if self.t is None:
if self.aif is None:
return self.dt*np.arange(np.size(
return self.dt*np.arange(np.size(self.aif))
return self.t
def conc(self, sum=True):
"""Cortical and medullary concentration
tuple: Concentration in cortex, concentration in medulla, in M
if self.aif is not None:
r1 = lib.relaxivity(self.field_strength, 'blood', self.agent)
if self.sequence == 'SR':
cb = sig.conc_src(self.aif, self.TC, 1/self.R10a, r1, self.n0)
elif self.sequence == 'SS':
cb = sig.conc_ss(self.aif, self.TR, self.FA,
1/self.R10a, r1, self.n0)
raise NotImplementedError(
'Signal model ' + self.sequence + 'is not (yet) supported.') = cb/(1-self.Hct)
return pkk.conc_kidney_cortex_medulla(,
self.Fp, self.Eg, self.fc, self.Tg, self.Tv,
self.Tpt, self.Tlh, self.Tdt, self.Tcd,
t=self.t, dt=self.dt, sum=sum, kinetics='7C')
def predict(self, xdata: np.ndarray) -> tuple:
"""Predict the data at given xdata
xdata (array-like): Either an array with x-values (time points) or a tuple with multiple such arrays
tuple[np.ndarray,np.ndarray]: tuple of two 1D arrays with signal in corex and medulla, respectively.
Cc, Cm = self.conc()
r1 = lib.relaxivity(self.field_strength, 'blood', self.agent)
R1c = self.R10c + r1*Cc
R1m = self.R10m + r1*Cm
if self.sequence == 'SR':
Sc = sig.signal_spgr(self.S0c, R1c, self.TC, self.TR,
self.FA, self.Tsat)
Sm = sig.signal_spgr(self.S0m, R1m, self.TC, self.TR,
self.FA, self.Tsat)
elif self.sequence == 'SS':
Sc = sig.signal_ss(self.S0c, R1c, self.TR, self.FA)
Sm = sig.signal_ss(self.S0m, R1m, self.TR, self.FA)
t = self.time()
return (
utils.sample(xdata, t, Sc, self.TS),
utils.sample(xdata, t, Sm, self.TS),
def train(self, xdata: np.ndarray, ydata: tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], **kwargs):
"""Train the free parameters
xdata (array-like): Array with x-data (time points)
ydata (tuple): Tuple of two 1D arrays (signal_cortex, signal_mdeulla) with signals in cortex and medulla, respectively.
kwargs: any keyword parameters accepted by `scipy.optimize.curve_fit`.
Model: A reference to the model instance.
if self.sequence == 'SR':
Scref = sig.signal_spgr(1, self.R10c, self.TC, self.TR,
self.FA, self.Tsat)
Smref = sig.signal_spgr(1, self.R10m, self.TC, self.TR,
self.FA, self.Tsat)
elif self.sequence == 'SS':
Scref = sig.signal_ss(1, self.R10c, self.TR, self.FA)
Smref = sig.signal_ss(1, self.R10m, self.TR, self.FA)
self.S0c = np.mean(ydata[0][:self.n0]) / Scref
self.S0m = np.mean(ydata[1][:self.n0]) / Smref
return ui.train(self, xdata, ydata, **kwargs)
def export_params(self):
pars = {}
pars['Fp'] = ['Plasma flow', self.Fp, 'mL/sec/cm3']
pars['Eg'] = ['Glomerular extraction fraction', self.Eg, '']
pars['fc'] = ['Cortical flow fraction', self.fc, '']
pars['Tg'] = ['Glomerular mean transit time', self.Tg, 'sec']
pars['Tv'] = ['Peritubular & venous mean transit time', self.Tv, 'sec']
pars['Tpt'] = ['Proximal tubuli mean transit time', self.Tpt, 'sec']
pars['Tlh'] = ['Lis of Henle mean transit time', self.Tlh, 'sec']
pars['Tdt'] = ['Distal tubuli mean transit time', self.Tdt, 'sec']
pars['Tcd'] = ['Collecting duct mean transit time', self.Tcd, 'sec']
pars['FF'] = ['Filtration fraction', self.Eg/(1-self.Eg), '']
pars['Ft'] = ['Tubular flow', self.Fp *
self.Eg/(1-self.Eg), 'mL/sec/cm3']
pars['CBF'] = ['Cortical blood flow',
self.Fp/(1-self.Hct), 'mL/sec/cm3']
pars['MBF'] = ['Medullary blood flow',
(1-self.fc)*(1-self.Eg)*self.Fp/(1-self.Hct), 'mL/sec/cm3']
if self.vol is None:
return self._add_sdev(pars)
pars['SKGFR'] = ['Single-kidney glomerular filtration rate',
self.vol*self.Fp*self.Eg/(1-self.Eg), 'mL/sec']
pars['SKBF'] = ['Single-kidney blood flow',
self.vol*self.Fp/(1-self.Hct), 'mL/sec']
pars['SKMBF'] = ['Single-kidney medullary blood flow', self.vol *
(1-self.fc)*(1-self.Eg)*self.Fp/(1-self.Hct), 'mL/sec']
return self._add_sdev(pars)
def plot(self, xdata: np.ndarray, ydata: tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
ref=None, xlim=None, fname=None, show=True):
"""Plot the model fit against data
xdata (array-like): Array with x-data (time points)
ydata (tuple of arrays): Tuple of two 1D arrays (signal_cortex, signal_mdeulla) with signals in cortex and medulla, respectively.
xlim (array_like, optional): 2-element array with lower and upper boundaries of the x-axis. Defaults to None.
ref (tuple, optional): Tuple of optional test data in the form (x,y), where x is an array with x-values and y is an array with y-values. Defaults to None.
fname (path, optional): Filepath to save the image. If no value is provided, the image is not saved. Defaults to None.
show (bool, optional): If True, the plot is shown. Defaults to True.
time = self.time()
if xlim is None:
xlim = [np.amin(time), np.amax(time)]
roic_pred, roim_pred = self.predict(time)
concc, concm = self.conc()
fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 5))
ax0.set_title('Prediction of the MRI signals.')
ax0.plot(xdata/60, ydata[0], marker='o', linestyle='None',
color='cornflowerblue', label='Cortex data')
ax0.plot(xdata/60, ydata[1], marker='x', linestyle='None',
color='cornflowerblue', label='Medulla data')
ax0.plot(time/60, roic_pred, linestyle='-', linewidth=3.0,
color='darkblue', label='Cortex prediction')
ax0.plot(time/60, roim_pred, linestyle='--', linewidth=3.0,
color='darkblue', label='Medulla prediction')
ax0.set(xlabel='Time (min)', ylabel='MRI signal (a.u.)',
ax1.set_title('Reconstruction of concentrations.')
if ref is not None:
ax1.plot(ref['t']/60, 1000*ref['Cc'], marker='o', linestyle='None',
color='cornflowerblue', label='Cortex ground truth')
ax1.plot(ref['t']/60, 1000*ref['Cm'], marker='x', linestyle='None',
color='cornflowerblue', label='Medulla ground truth')
ax1.plot(ref['t']/60, 1000*ref['cp'], marker='o', linestyle='None',
color='lightcoral', label='Arterial ground truth')
ax1.plot(time/60, 1000*concc, linestyle='-', linewidth=3.0,
color='darkblue', label='Cortex prediction')
ax1.plot(time/60, 1000*concm, linestyle='--', linewidth=3.0,
color='darkblue', label='Medulla prediction')
ax1.plot(time/60, 1000*, linestyle='-', linewidth=3.0,
color='darkred', label='Arterial prediction')
ax1.set(xlabel='Time (min)', ylabel='Concentration (mM)',
if fname is not None:
if show:
def cost(self, xdata: np.ndarray, ydata: tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], metric='NRMS') -> float:
"""Return the goodness-of-fit
xdata (array-like): Array with x-data (time points).
ydata (tuple): Tuple of two 1D arrays (signal_cortex, signal_mdeulla) with signals in cortex and medulla, respectively.
metric (str, optional): Which metric to use - options are:
**RMS** (Root-mean-square);
**NRMS** (Normalized root-mean-square);
**AIC** (Akaike information criterion);
**cAIC** (Corrected Akaike information criterion for small models);
**BIC** (Baysian information criterion). Defaults to 'NRMS'.
float: goodness of fit.
return super().cost(xdata, ydata, metric)