from copy import deepcopy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import dcmri.ui as ui
import dcmri.lib as lib
import dcmri.sig as sig
import dcmri.utils as utils
import dcmri.pk_aorta as pk_aorta
import dcmri.liver as liver
class AortaLiver(ui.Model):
"""Joint model for aorta and liver signals.
This model uses a whole-body model to simultaneously predict signals in
aorta and liver.
For more detail on the whole-body model, see :ref:`whole-body-tissues`.
For more detail on the liver model, see :ref:`liver-tissues`.
kinetics (str, optional): Tracer-kinetic liver model. See table
:ref:`table-liver-models` for options - only single-inlet models
are allowed. Defaults to '1I-IC-D'.
stationary (str, optional): For intracellular tracers - stationarity
regime of the hepatocytes. The options are 'UE', 'E', 'U' or None.
For more detail see :ref:`liver-tissues`. Defaults to 'UE'.
sequence (str, optional): imaging sequence. Possible values are 'SS'
and 'SR'. Defaults to 'SS'.
free (dict, optional): Dictionary with free parameters and their
bounds. If not provided, a default set of free parameters is used.
Defaults to None.
params (dict, optional): values for the parameters of the tissue,
specified as keyword parameters. Defaults are used for any that are
not provided. See tables :ref:`AortaLiver-parameters` and
:ref:`AortaLiver-defaults` for a list of parameters and their
default values.
See Also:
Use the model to reconstruct concentrations from experimentally
derived signals.
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import dcmri as dc
Use `fake_tissue` to generate synthetic test data from
experimentally-derived concentrations:
Use `fake_liver` to generate synthetic test data:
>>> time, aif, vif, roi, gt = dc.fake_liver()
Since this model generates two time curves, the x- and y-data are
>>> xdata, ydata = (time,time), (aif,roi)
Build an aorta-liver model and parameters to match the
conditions of the fake liver data:
>>> model = dc.AortaLiver(
... dt = 0.5,
... tmax = 180,
... weight = 70,
... agent = 'gadoxetate',
... field_strength = 3.0,
... dose = 0.2,
... rate = 3,
... t0 = 10,
... TR = 0.005,
... FA = 15,
... )
Train the model on the data:
>>> model.train(xdata, ydata, xtol=1e-3)
Plot the reconstructed signals and concentrations and compare
against the experimentally derived data:
>>> model.plot(xdata, ydata)
We can also have a look at the model parameters after training:
>>> model.print_params(round_to=3)
Free parameters with their errors (stdev)
Bolus arrival time (BAT): 17.127 (2.838) sec
Cardiac output (CO): 211.047 (13.49) mL/sec
Heart-lung mean transit time (Thl): 12.503 (3.527) sec
Heart-lung transit time dispersion (Dhl): 0.465 (0.063)
Organs mean transit time (To): 28.413 (10.294) sec
Extraction fraction (Eb): 0.01 (0.623)
Liver extracellular mean transit time (Te): 2.915 (0.588) sec
Liver extracellular dispersion (De): 1.0 (0.19)
Liver extracellular volume fraction (ve): 0.176 (0.015) mL/cm3
Hepatocellular uptake rate (khe): 0.005 (0.001) mL/sec/cm3
Hepatocellular transit time (Th): 600.0 (747.22) sec
Organs extraction fraction (Eo): 0.261 (0.324)
Organs extracellular mean transit time (Toe): 81.765 (329.097) sec
Derived parameters
Blood precontrast T1 (T10a): 1.629 sec
Mean circulation time (Tc): 40.916 sec
Liver precontrast T1 (T10l): 0.752 sec
Biliary excretion rate (kbh): 0.001 mL/sec/cm3
Hepatocellular tissue uptake rate (Khe): 0.026 mL/sec/cm3
Biliary tissue excretion rate (Kbh): 0.002 mL/sec/cm3
Table :ref:`AortaLiver-parameters` lists the parameters that are
relevant in each regime. Table :ref:`AortaLiver-defaults` list all
possible parameters and their default settings.
.. _AortaLiver-parameters:
.. list-table:: **Aorta-Liver parameters**
:widths: 20 30 30
:header-rows: 1
* - Parameters
- When to use
- Further detail
* - dt, tmax
- Always
- Time axis for forward model
* - t0, dose_tolerance
- Always
- For estimating baseline signal
* - field_strength, weight, agent, dose, rate
- Always
- Injection protocol
* - R10a, R10l, S0a, S0l
- Always
- Precontrast R1 (:ref:`relaxation-params`) and
S0 (:ref:`params-per-sequence`)for aorta and liver
* - FA, TR, TS
- Always
- :ref:`params-per-sequence`
* - TC
- If **sequence** is 'SR'
- :ref:`params-per-sequence`
* - BAT, CO, Thl, Dhl, To, Eo, Tie, Eb
- Always
- :ref:`whole-body-tissues`
* - H, ve, De
- Always
- :ref:`table-liver-models`
* - khe, khe_i, kh_f, Th, Th_i, Th_f
- Depends on **stationary**
- :ref:`table-liver-models`
.. _AortaLiver-defaults:
.. list-table:: **Aorta-Liver parameter defaults**
:widths: 5 10 10 10 10
:header-rows: 1
* - Parameter
- Type
- Value
- Bounds
- Free/Fixed
* -
- **Simulation**
* - dt
- Simulation
- 0.5
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - tmax
- Simulation
- 120
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - dose_tolerance
- Simulation
- 0.1
- [0, 1]
- Fixed
* -
- **Injection**
* - field_strength
- Injection
- 3
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - weight
- Injection
- 70
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - agent
- Injection
- 'gadoxetate'
- None
- Fixed
* - dose
- Injection
- 0.0125
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - rate
- Injection
- 1
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* -
- **Signal**
* - R10a
- Signal
- 0.7
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - R10l
- Signal
- 0.7
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - S0a
- Signal
- 1
- [0, inf]
- Free
* - S0l
- Signal
- 1
- [0, inf]
- Free
* -
- **Sequence**
* - FA
- Sequence
- 15
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - S0
- Sequence
- 1
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - TC
- Sequence
- 0.1
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - TR
- Sequence
- 0.005
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - TS
- Sequence
- 0
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* -
- **Whole body**
* - BAT
- Whole body
- 1200
- [0, inf]
- Free
* - CO
- Whole body
- 100
- [0, inf]
- Free
* - Thl
- Whole body
- 10
- [0, 30]
- Free
* - Dhl
- Whole body
- 0.2
- [0.05, 0.95]
- Free
* - To
- Whole body
- 20
- [0, 60]
- Free
* - Eo
- Whole body
- 0.15
- [0, 0.5]
- Free
* - Toe
- Whole body
- 120
- [0, 800]
- Free
* - Eb
- Whole body
- 0.05
- [0.01, 0.15]
- Free
* -
- **Liver**
* - H
- Kinetic
- 0.45
- [0, 1]
- Fixed
* - Te
- Kinetic
- 30
- [0.1, 60]
- Free
* - De
- Kinetic
- 0.85
- [0, 1]
- Free
* - ve
- Kinetic
- 0.3
- [0.01, 0.6]
- Free
* - khe
- Kinetic
- 0.003
- [0, 0.1]
- Free
* - khe_i
- Kinetic
- 0.003
- [0, 0.1]
- Free
* - khe_f
- Kinetic
- 0.003
- [0, 0.1]
- Free
* - Th
- Kinetic
- 1800
- [600, 36000]
- Free
* - Th_i
- Kinetic
- 1800
- [600, 36000]
- Free
* - Th_f
- Kinetic
- 1800
- [600, 36000]
- Free
* - vol
- Kinetic
- 1000
- [0, 10000]
- Free
def __init__(self, kinetics = '1I-IC-D', stationary='UE', sequence='SS',
free=None, **params):
# Configuration
self.organs = '2cxm' # fixed
self.kinetics = kinetics
self.sequence = sequence
self.stationary = stationary
self._set_defaults(free=free, **params)
# Internal flags
self._predict = None
def _check_config(self):
def _params(self):
def _model_pars(self):
pars_sequence = {
'SR': ['FA', 'TR', 'TS', 'TC'],
'SS': ['FA', 'TR', 'TS'],
pars = list(PARAMS.keys())
pars += list(PARAMS_WHOLE_BODY.keys())
pars += pars_sequence[self.sequence]
pars += liver.params_liver(self.kinetics, self.stationary)
pars += ['vol']
return pars
def _par_values(*args, **kwargs):
return _par_values(*args, **kwargs)
def _conc_aorta(self) -> np.ndarray:
if self.organs == 'comp':
organs = ['comp', (self.To,)]
organs = ['2cxm', ([self.To, self.Toe], self.Eo)]
self.t = np.arange(0, self.tmax, self.dt)
conc = lib.ca_conc(self.agent)
Ji = lib.ca_injection(
self.t, self.weight, conc, self.dose, self.rate, self.BAT)
Jb = pk_aorta.flux_aorta(
Ji, E=self.Eb, dt=self.dt, tol=self.dose_tolerance,
heartlung = ['pfcomp', (self.Thl, self.Dhl)],
organs = organs) = Jb/self.CO
return self.t,
def _relax_aorta(self):
return _relax_aorta(self)
def _predict_aorta(self, xdata: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
self.tmax = max(xdata)+self.dt
if self.TS is not None:
self.tmax += self.TS
t, R1b = self._relax_aorta()
#seq = 'SRC' if self.sequence=='SR' else 'SS'
pars = self._par_values(seq=self.sequence)
signal = sig.signal(self.sequence, R1b, self.S0a, **pars)
return utils.sample(xdata, t, signal, self.TS)
def _conc_liver(*args, **kwargs):
return _conc_liver(*args, **kwargs)
def _relax_liver(*args, **kwargs):
return _relax_liver(*args, **kwargs)
def _predict_liver(self, xdata: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
t, R1l = self._relax_liver()
pars = self._par_values(seq=self.sequence)
signal = sig.signal(self.sequence, R1l, self.S0l, **pars)
return utils.sample(xdata, t, signal, self.TS)
def conc(self, sum=True):
"""Concentrations in aorta and liver.
sum (bool, optional): If set to true, the liver concentrations are
the sum over both compartments. If set to false, the
compartmental concentrations are returned individually.
Defaults to True.
tuple: time points, aorta blood concentrations, liver
t, cb = self._conc_aorta()
C = self._conc_liver(sum=sum)
return t, cb, C
def relax(self):
"""Relaxation rates in aorta and liver.
tuple: time points, aorta blood R1, liver
t, R1b = self._relax_aorta()
t, R1l = self._relax_liver()
return t, R1b, R1l
def predict(self, xdata: tuple) -> tuple:
"""Predict the data at given xdata
xdata (tuple): tuple of 2 arrays with time points for aorta and
liver, in that order. The two arrays can be different in length
and value.
tuple: tuple of 2 arrays with signals for aorta and liver, in
that order. The arrays can be different in length and value but
each has to have the same length as its corresponding array of
time points.
# Public interface
if self._predict is None:
signala = self._predict_aorta(xdata[0])
signall = self._predict_liver(xdata[1])
return signala, signall
# Private interface with different input & output types
elif self._predict == 'aorta':
return self._predict_aorta(xdata)
elif self._predict == 'liver':
return self._predict_liver(xdata)
def train(self, xdata: tuple, ydata: tuple, **kwargs):
"""Train the free parameters
xdata (tuple): tuple of 2 arrays with time points for aorta and
liver, in that order. The two arrays can be different in length
and value.
ydata (array-like): tuple of 2 arrays with signals for aorta and
liver, in that order. The arrays can be different in length and
value but each has to have the same length as its corresponding
array of time points.
kwargs: any keyword parameters accepted by
Model: A reference to the model instance.
# Estimate BAT and S0a from data
pars = self._par_values(seq=self.sequence)
Srefb = sig.signal(self.sequence, self.R10a, 1, **pars)
Srefl = sig.signal(self.sequence, self.R10l, 1, **pars)
n0 = max([np.sum(xdata[0] < self.t0), 1])
self.S0a = np.mean(ydata[0][:n0]) / Srefb
self.S0l = np.mean(ydata[1][:n0]) / Srefl
self.BAT = xdata[0][np.argmax(ydata[0])] - (1-self.Dhl)*self.Thl
self.BAT = max([self.BAT, 0])
# Copy the original free to restore later
free = deepcopy(
# Train free aorta parameters on aorta data
self._predict = 'aorta'
pars = list(PARAMS_WHOLE_BODY.keys()) = {s: free[s] for s in pars if s in free}
ui.train(self, xdata[0], ydata[0], **kwargs)
# Train free liver parameters on liver data
self._predict = 'liver'
pars = list(PARAMS_LIVER.keys()) = {s: free[s] for s in pars if s in free}
ui.train(self, xdata[1], ydata[1], **kwargs)
# Train all parameters on all data
self._predict = None = free
return ui.train(self, xdata, ydata, **kwargs)
def plot(self,
xdata: tuple,
ydata: tuple,
xlim=None, ref=None,
fname=None, show=True):
"""Plot the model fit against data
xdata (tuple): tuple of 2 arrays with time points for aorta and
liver, in that order. The two arrays can be different in length
and value.
ydata (array-like): tuple of 2 arrays with signals for aorta and
liver, in that order. The arrays can be different in length and
value but each has to have the same length as its corresponding
array of time points.
xlim (array_like, optional): 2-element array with lower and upper
boundaries of the x-axis. Defaults to None.
ref (tuple, optional): Tuple of optional test data in the form
(x,y), where x is an array with x-values and y is an array with
y-values. Defaults to None.
fname (path, optional): Filepath to save the image. If no value
is provided, the image is not saved. Defaults to None.
show (bool, optional): If True, the plot is shown. Defaults to
t, cb, C = self.conc(sum=False)
sig = self.predict((t, t))
fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 8))
_plot_data1scan(t, sig[0], xdata[0], ydata[0],
ax1, xlim,
color=['lightcoral', 'darkred'],
test=None if ref is None else ref[0])
_plot_data1scan(t, sig[1], xdata[1], ydata[1],
ax3, xlim,
color=['cornflowerblue', 'darkblue'],
test=None if ref is None else ref[1])
_plot_conc_aorta(t, cb, ax2, xlim)
_plot_conc_liver(self, t, C, ax4, xlim)
if fname is not None:
if show:
def cost(self, xdata, ydata, metric='NRMS') -> float:
"""Return the goodness-of-fit
xdata (tuple): tuple of 2 arrays with time points for aorta and
liver, in that order. The two arrays can be different in length
and value.
ydata (array-like): tuple of 2 arrays with signals for aorta and
liver, in that order. The arrays can be different in length and
value but each has to have the same length as its corresponding
array of time points.
metric (str, optional): Which metric to use (see notes for
possible values). Defaults to 'NRMS'.
float: goodness of fit.
Available options are:
- 'RMS': Root-mean-square.
- 'NRMS': Normalized root-mean-square.
- 'AIC': Akaike information criterion.
- 'cAIC': Corrected Akaike information criterion for small
- 'BIC': Baysian information criterion.
return super().cost(xdata, ydata, metric)
class AortaLiver2scan(ui.Model):
"""Joint model for aorta and liver signals measured over two scans.
This model uses a whole-body model to simultaneously predict signals in
aorta and liver, measured over two separate scans.
For more detail on the whole-body model, see :ref:`whole-body-tissues`.
For more detail on the liver model, see :ref:`liver-tissues`.
kinetics (str, optional): Tracer-kinetic liver model. See table
:ref:`table-liver-models` for options - only single-inlet models
are allowed. Defaults to '1I-IC-D'.
stationary (str, optional): For intracellular tracers - stationarity
regime of the hepatocytes. The options are 'UE', 'E', 'U' or None.
For more detail see :ref:`liver-tissues`. Defaults to 'UE'.
stationary (str, optional): Stationarity regime of the hepatocytes.
The options are 'UE', 'E', 'U' or None. For more detail
see :ref:`liver-tissues`. Defaults to 'UE'.
sequence (str, optional): imaging sequence. Possible values are 'SS'
and 'SR'. Defaults to 'SS'.
free (dict, optional): Dictionary with free parameters and their
bounds. If not provided, a default set of free parameters is used.
Defaults to None.
params (dict, optional): values for the parameters of the tissue,
specified as keyword parameters. Defaults are used for any that are
not provided. See tables :ref:`AortaLiver2scan-parameters` and
:ref:`AortaLiver2scan-defaults` for a list of parameters and their
default values.
See Also:
Use the model to reconstruct concentrations from experimentally
derived signals.
.. plot::
:context: close-figs
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import dcmri as dc
Use `fake_tissue` to generate synthetic test data from
experimentally-derived concentrations:
>>> time, aif, roi, gt = dc.fake_tissue2scan(R10=1/dc.T1(3.0,'liver'))
Since this model generates four time curves, the x- and y-data are
>>> xdata = (time[0], time[1], time[0], time[1])
>>> ydata = (aif[0], aif[1], roi[0], roi[1])
Build an aorta-liver model and parameters to match the conditions of
the fake tissue data:
>>> model = dc.AortaLiver2scan(
... dt = 0.5,
... weight = 70,
... agent = 'gadodiamide',
... dose = 0.2,
... dose2 = 0.2,
... rate = 3,
... field_strength = 3.0,
... t0 = 10,
... TR = 0.005,
... FA = 15,
... )
Train the model on the data:
>>> model.train(xdata, ydata, xtol=1e-3)
Plot the reconstructed signals and concentrations and compare against
the experimentally derived data:
>>> model.plot(xdata, ydata)
We can also have a look at the model parameters after training:
>>> model.print_params(round_to=3)
Free parameters with their errors (stdev)
Bolus arrival time (BAT): 17.13 (1.771) sec
Cardiac output (CO): 208.547 (9.409) mL/sec
Heart-lung mean transit time (Thl): 12.406 (2.137) sec
Heart-lung transit time dispersion (Dhl): 0.459 (0.04)
Organs mean transit time (To): 30.912 (3.999) sec
Extraction fraction (Eb): 0.064 (0.032)
Liver extracellular mean transit time (Te): 2.957 (0.452) sec
Liver extracellular dispersion (De): 1.0 (0.146)
Liver extracellular volume fraction (ve): 0.077 (0.007) mL/cm3
Hepatocellular uptake rate (khe): 0.002 (0.001) mL/sec/cm3
Hepatocellular transit time (Th): 600.0 (1173.571) sec
Organs extraction fraction (Eo): 0.2 (0.057)
Organs extracellular mean transit time (Toe): 87.077 (56.882) sec
Hepatocellular uptake rate (final) (khe_f): 0.001 (0.001) mL/sec/cm3
Hepatocellular transit time (final) (Th_f): 600.0 (623.364) sec
Derived parameters
Blood precontrast T1 (T10a): 1.629 sec
Mean circulation time (Tc): 43.318 sec
Liver precontrast T1 (T10l): 0.752 sec
Biliary excretion rate (kbh): 0.002 mL/sec/cm3
Hepatocellular tissue uptake rate (Khe): 0.023 mL/sec/cm3
Biliary tissue excretion rate (Kbh): 0.002 mL/sec/cm3
Hepatocellular uptake rate (initial) (khe_i): 0.003 mL/sec/cm3
Hepatocellular transit time (initial) (Th_i): 600.0 sec
Hepatocellular uptake rate variance (khe_var): 0.934
Biliary tissue excretion rate variance (Kbh_var): 0.0
Biliary excretion rate (initial) (kbh_i): 0.002 mL/sec/cm3
Biliary excretion rate (final) (kbh_f): 0.002 mL/sec/cm3
Table :ref:`AortaLiver-parameters` lists the parameters that are
relevant in each regime. Table :ref:`AortaLiver-defaults` list all
possible parameters and their default settings.
.. _AortaLiver2scan-parameters:
.. list-table:: **Aorta-Liver 2-scan parameters**
:widths: 20 30 30
:header-rows: 1
* - Parameters
- When to use
- Further detail
* - dt, tmax
- Always
- Time axis for forward model
* - t0, dose_tolerance
- Always
- For estimating baseline signal
* - field_strength, weight, agent, dose, dose2, rate
- Always
- Injection protocol
* - R10a, R102a, R10l, R102l, S0a, S02a, S0l, S02l
- Always
- Precontrast R1 (:ref:`relaxation-params`) and
S0 (:ref:`params-per-sequence`) for aorta and liver
* - FA, TR, TS
- Always
- :ref:`params-per-sequence`
* - TC
- If **sequence** is 'SR'
- :ref:`params-per-sequence`
* - BAT, BAT2, CO, Thl, Dhl, To, Eo, Tie, Eb
- Always
- :ref:`whole-body-tissues`
* - H, ve, De
- Always
- :ref:`table-liver-models`
* - khe, khe_i, kh_f, Th, Th_i, Th_f
- Depends on **stationary**
- :ref:`table-liver-models`
.. _AortaLiver2scan-defaults:
.. list-table:: **Aorta-Liver 2-scan parameter defaults**
:widths: 5 10 10 10 10
:header-rows: 1
* - Parameter
- Type
- Value
- Bounds
- Free/Fixed
* -
- **Simulation**
* - dt
- Simulation
- 0.5
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - tmax
- Simulation
- 120
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - dose_tolerance
- Simulation
- 0.1
- [0, 1]
- Fixed
* -
- **Injection**
* - field_strength
- Injection
- 3
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - weight
- Injection
- 70
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - agent
- Injection
- 'gadoxetate'
- None
- Fixed
* - dose
- Injection
- 0.0125
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - rate
- Injection
- 1
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* -
- **Signal**
* - R10a
- Signal
- 0.7
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - R10l
- Signal
- 0.7
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - S0a
- Signal
- 1
- [0, inf]
- Free
* - S0l
- Signal
- 1
- [0, inf]
- Free
* -
- **Sequence**
* - FA
- Sequence
- 15
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - S0
- Sequence
- 1
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - TC
- Sequence
- 0.1
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - TR
- Sequence
- 0.005
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* - TS
- Sequence
- 0
- [0, inf]
- Fixed
* -
- **Whole body**
* - BAT
- Whole body
- 1200
- [0, inf]
- Free
* - CO
- Whole body
- 100
- [0, inf]
- Free
* - Thl
- Whole body
- 10
- [0, 30]
- Free
* - Dhl
- Whole body
- 0.2
- [0.05, 0.95]
- Free
* - To
- Whole body
- 20
- [0, 60]
- Free
* - Eo
- Whole body
- 0.15
- [0, 0.5]
- Free
* - Toe
- Whole body
- 120
- [0, 800]
- Free
* - Eb
- Whole body
- 0.05
- [0.01, 0.15]
- Free
* -
- **Liver**
* - H
- Kinetic
- 0.45
- [0, 1]
- Fixed
* - Te
- Kinetic
- 30
- [0.1, 60]
- Free
* - De
- Kinetic
- 0.85
- [0, 1]
- Free
* - ve
- Kinetic
- 0.3
- [0.01, 0.6]
- Free
* - khe
- Kinetic
- 0.003
- [0, 0.1]
- Free
* - khe_i
- Kinetic
- 0.003
- [0, 0.1]
- Free
* - khe_f
- Kinetic
- 0.003
- [0, 0.1]
- Free
* - Th
- Kinetic
- 1800
- [600, 36000]
- Free
* - Th_i
- Kinetic
- 1800
- [600, 36000]
- Free
* - Th_f
- Kinetic
- 1800
- [600, 36000]
- Free
* - vol
- Kinetic
- 1000
- [0, 10000]
- Free
def __init__(self, kinetics = '1I-IC-D', stationary=None, sequence='SS',
free=None, **params):
# Configuration
self.organs = '2cxm' # fixed
self.kinetics = kinetics
self.sequence = sequence
self.stationary = stationary
self._set_defaults(free=free, **params)
# Internal flags
self._predict = None
def _check_config(self):
def _params(self):
def _model_pars(self):
pars_sequence = {
'SR': ['FA', 'TR', 'TS', 'TC'],
'SS': ['FA', 'TR', 'TS'],
pars = list(PARAMS.keys())
pars += list(PARAMS_2SCAN.keys())
pars += list(PARAMS_WHOLE_BODY.keys())
pars += pars_sequence[self.sequence]
pars += liver.params_liver(self.kinetics, self.stationary)
pars += ['vol']
return pars
def _par_values(*args, **kwargs):
return _par_values(*args, **kwargs)
def _conc_aorta(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
if self.organs == 'comp':
organs = ['comp', (self.To,)]
organs = ['2cxm', ([self.To, self.Toe], self.Eo)]
self.t = np.arange(0, self.tmax, self.dt)
conc = lib.ca_conc(self.agent)
J1 = lib.ca_injection(
self.t, self.weight, conc, self.dose, self.rate, self.BAT)
J2 = lib.ca_injection(
self.t, self.weight, conc, self.dose2, self.rate, self.BAT2)
Jb = pk_aorta.flux_aorta(
J1 + J2, E=self.Eb, dt=self.dt, tol=self.dose_tolerance,
heartlung = ['pfcomp', (self.Thl, self.Dhl)],
organs = organs) = Jb/self.CO
return self.t,
def _relax_aorta(self):
return _relax_aorta(self)
def _predict_aorta(self,
xdata: tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
self.tmax = max(xdata[1])+self.dt
if self.TS is not None:
self.tmax += self.TS
t, R1 = self._relax_aorta()
t1 = t <= xdata[0][-1]
t2 = t >= xdata[1][0]
R11 = R1[t1]
R12 = R1[t2]
#seq = 'SRC' if self.sequence=='SR' else 'SS'
pars = self._par_values(seq=self.sequence)
signal1 = sig.signal(self.sequence, R11, self.S0a, **pars)
signal2 = sig.signal(self.sequence, R12, self.S02a, **pars)
return (
utils.sample(xdata[0], t[t1], signal1, self.TS),
utils.sample(xdata[1], t[t2], signal2, self.TS),
def _conc_liver(*args, **kwargs):
return _conc_liver(*args, **kwargs)
def _relax_liver(*args, **kwargs):
return _relax_liver(*args, **kwargs)
def _predict_liver(self, xdata: tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
t, R1 = self._relax_liver()
t1 = t <= xdata[0][-1]
t2 = t >= xdata[1][0]
R11 = R1[t1]
R12 = R1[t2]
pars = self._par_values(seq=self.sequence)
signal1 = sig.signal(self.sequence, R11, self.S0l, **pars)
signal2 = sig.signal(self.sequence, R12, self.S02l, **pars)
return (
utils.sample(xdata[0], t[t1], signal1, self.TS),
utils.sample(xdata[1], t[t2], signal2, self.TS),
def conc(self, sum=True):
"""Concentrations in aorta and liver.
sum (bool, optional): If set to true, the liver concentrations
are the sum over both compartments. If set to false, the
compartmental concentrations are returned individually.
Defaults to True.
tuple: time points, aorta blood concentrations, liver
t, cb = self._conc_aorta()
C = self._conc_liver(sum=sum)
return t, cb, C
def relax(self):
"""Relaxation rates in aorta and liver.
tuple: time points, aorta blood R1, liver R1.
t, R1b = self._relax_aorta()
t, R1l = self._relax_liver()
return t, R1b, R1l
def predict(self, xdata: tuple) -> tuple:
"""Predict the data at given time points
xdata (tuple): tuple of 4 arrays with time points for aorta in
the first scan, aorta in the second stand, liver in the first
scan, and liver in the second scan, in that order. The four
arrays can be different in length and value.
tuple: tuple of 4 arrays with signals for aorta in the first
scan, aorta in the second stand, liver in the first scan, and
liver in the second scan, in that order. The arrays have the
same length as its corresponding array of time points.
# Public interface
if self._predict is None:
signal_a = self._predict_aorta((xdata[0], xdata[1]))
signal_l = self._predict_liver((xdata[2], xdata[3]))
return signal_a + signal_l
# Private interface with different in- and outputs
elif self._predict == 'aorta':
return self._predict_aorta(xdata)
elif self._predict == 'liver':
return self._predict_liver(xdata)
def train(self, xdata: tuple, ydata: tuple, **kwargs):
# x,y: (aorta scan 1, aorta scan 2, liver scan 1, liver scan 2)
"""Train the free parameters
xdata (tuple): tuple of 4 arrays with time points for aorta in
the first scan, aorta in the second stand, liver in the first
scan, and liver in the second scan, in that order. The four
arrays can be different in length and value.
ydata (tuple): tuple of 4 arrays with signals for aorta in the
first scan, aorta in the second stand, liver in the first scan,
and liver in the second scan, in that order. The arrays can be
different in length but each has to have the same length as its
corresponding array of time points.
kwargs: any keyword parameters accepted by
AortaLiver2scan: A reference to the model instance.
# Estimate BAT
T, D = self.Thl, self.Dhl
self.BAT = xdata[0][np.argmax(ydata[0])] - (1-D)*T
self.BAT2 = xdata[1][np.argmax(ydata[1])] - (1-D)*T
# Estimate S0
pars = self._par_values(seq=self.sequence)
Srefb = sig.signal(self.sequence, self.R10a, 1, **pars)
Sref2b = sig.signal(self.sequence, self.R102a, 1, **pars)
Srefl = sig.signal(self.sequence, self.R10l, 1, **pars)
Sref2l = sig.signal(self.sequence, self.R102l, 1, **pars)
n0 = max([np.sum(xdata[0] < self.t0), 2])
self.S0a = np.mean(ydata[0][1:n0]) / Srefb
self.S02a = np.mean(ydata[1][1:n0]) / Sref2b
self.S0l = np.mean(ydata[2][1:n0]) / Srefl
self.S02l = np.mean(ydata[3][1:n0]) / Sref2l
free = deepcopy(
# Train free aorta parameters on aorta data
self._predict = 'aorta'
pars = list(PARAMS_WHOLE_BODY.keys()) + ['BAT2', 'S02a'] = {s: free[s] for s in pars if s in free}
ui.train(self, (xdata[0], xdata[1]), (ydata[0], ydata[1]), **kwargs)
# Train free liver parameters on liver data
self._predict = 'liver'
pars = list(PARAMS_LIVER.keys()) + ['S02l'] = {s: free[s] for s in pars if s in free}
# added if s in free - add everywhere after testing
ui.train(self, (xdata[2], xdata[3]), (ydata[2], ydata[3]), **kwargs)
# Train all parameters on all data
self._predict = None = free
return ui.train(self, xdata, ydata, **kwargs)
def plot(self, xdata: tuple, ydata: tuple,
ref=None, xlim=None, fname=None, show=True):
"""Plot the model fit against data
xdata (tuple): tuple of 4 arrays with time points for aorta in the
first scan, aorta in the second stand, liver in the first scan,
and liver in the second scan, in that order. The four arrays can
be different in length and value.
ydata (tuple): tuple of 4 arrays with signals for aorta in the
first scan, aorta in the second stand, liver in the first scan,
and liver in the second scan, in that order. The arrays can be
different in length but each has to have the same length as its
corresponding array of time points.
xlim (array_like, optional): 2-element array with lower and upper
boundaries of the x-axis. Defaults to None.
ref (tuple, optional): Tuple of optional test data in the form
(x,y), where x is an array with x-values and y is an array with
y-values. Defaults to None.
fname (path, optional): Filepath to save the image. If no value
is provided, the image is not saved. Defaults to None.
show (bool, optional): If True, the plot is shown. Defaults to
t, cb, C = self.conc(sum=False)
ta1 = t[t <= xdata[1][0]]
ta2 = t[(t > xdata[1][0]) & (t <= xdata[1][-1])]
tl1 = t[t <= xdata[3][0]]
tl2 = t[(t > xdata[3][0]) & (t <= xdata[3][-1])]
sig = self.predict((ta1, ta2, tl1, tl2))
fig, ((ax1, ax2), (ax3, ax4)) = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 8))
_plot_data2scan((ta1, ta2), sig[:2], xdata[:2], ydata[:2],
ax1, xlim,
color=['lightcoral', 'darkred'],
test=None if ref is None else ref[0])
_plot_data2scan((tl1, tl2), sig[2:], xdata[2:], ydata[2:],
ax3, xlim,
color=['cornflowerblue', 'darkblue'],
test=None if ref is None else ref[1])
_plot_conc_aorta(t, cb, ax2, xlim)
_plot_conc_liver(self, t, C, ax4, xlim)
if fname is not None:
if show:
def cost(self, xdata: tuple, ydata: tuple, metric='NRMS') -> float:
"""Return the goodness-of-fit
xdata (tuple): tuple of 4 arrays with time points for aorta in the
first scan, aorta in the second stand, liver in the first scan,
and liver in the second scan, in that order. The four arrays can
be different in length and value.
ydata (tuple): tuple of 4 arrays with signals for aorta in the
first scan, aorta in the second stand, liver in the first scan,
and liver in the second scan, in that order. The arrays can be
different in length but each has to have the same length as its
corresponding array of time points.
metric (str, optional): Which metric to use (see notes for
possible values). Defaults to 'NRMS'.
float: goodness of fit.
Available options are:
- 'RMS': Root-mean-square.
- 'NRMS': Normalized root-mean-square.
- 'AIC': Akaike information criterion.
- 'cAIC': Corrected Akaike information criterion for small
- 'BIC': Baysian information criterion.
return super().cost(xdata, ydata, metric)
def _relax_aorta(self) -> np.ndarray:
t, cb = self._conc_aorta()
rb = lib.relaxivity(self.field_strength, 'blood', self.agent)
return t, self.R10a + rb*cb
def _conc_liver(self, sum=True):
pars = self._par_values(kin=True)
return liver.conc_liver(, dt=self.dt, sum=sum, **pars)
def _relax_liver(self):
t = np.arange(0, self.tmax, self.dt)
Cl = self._conc_liver(sum=False)
rp = lib.relaxivity(self.field_strength, 'plasma', self.agent)
rh = lib.relaxivity(self.field_strength, 'hepatocytes', self.agent)
if 'IC' in self.kinetics:
return t, self.R10l + rp*Cl[0, :] + rh*Cl[1, :]
return t, self.R10l + rp*Cl
# Helper functions for plotting
def _plot_conc_aorta(t: np.ndarray, cb: np.ndarray, ax, xlim=None):
if xlim is None:
xlim = [t[0], t[-1]]
ax.set(xlabel='Time (min)', ylabel='Concentration (mM)',
ax.plot(t/60, 0*t, color='gray')
ax.plot(t/60, 1000*cb, linestyle='-',
color='darkred', linewidth=2.0, label='Aorta')
def _plot_conc_liver(self, t, C, ax, xlim=None):
color = 'darkblue'
if xlim is None:
xlim = [t[0], t[-1]]
ax.set(xlabel='Time (min)', ylabel='Tissue concentration (mM)',
ax.plot(t/60, 0*t, color='gray')
if 'IC' in self.kinetics:
ax.plot(t/60, 1000*C[0, :], linestyle='-.',
color=color, linewidth=2.0, label='Extracellular')
ax.plot(t/60, 1000*C[1, :], linestyle='--',
color=color, linewidth=2.0, label='Hepatocytes')
ax.plot(t/60, 1000*(C[0, :]+C[1, :]), linestyle='-',
color=color, linewidth=2.0, label='Tissue')
ax.plot(t/60, 1000*C, linestyle='-',
color=color, linewidth=2.0, label='Tissue')
def _plot_data2scan(t: tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
sig: tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
xdata: tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
ydata: tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray],
ax, xlim, color=['black', 'black'], test=None):
if xlim is None:
xlim = [0, t[1][-1]]
ax.set(xlabel='Time (min)', ylabel='MR Signal (a.u.)',
ax.plot(np.concatenate(xdata)/60, np.concatenate(ydata),
marker='o', color=color[0], label='fitted data', linestyle='None')
ax.plot(np.concatenate(t)/60, np.concatenate(sig),
linestyle='-', color=color[1], linewidth=3.0, label='fit')
if test is not None:
ax.plot(np.array(test[0])/60, test[1], color='black',
marker='D', linestyle='None', label='Test data')
def _plot_data1scan(t: np.ndarray, sig: np.ndarray,
xdata: np.ndarray, ydata: np.ndarray,
ax, xlim, color=['black', 'black'],
if xlim is None:
xlim = [t[0], t[-1]]
ax.set(xlabel='Time (min)', ylabel='MR Signal (a.u.)',
ax.plot(xdata/60, ydata, marker='o',
color=color[0], label='fitted data', linestyle='None')
ax.plot(t/60, sig, linestyle='-',
color=color[1], linewidth=3.0, label='fit')
if test is not None:
ax.plot(np.array(test[0])/60, test[1], color='black',
marker='D', linestyle='None', label='Test data')
def _check_config(self):
if self.sequence not in ['SS', 'SR']:
raise ValueError(
'Sequence ' + str(self.sequence) + ' is not available.')
if self.kinetics[0] != '1':
raise ValueError('Only single-inlet models are allowed.')
liver.params_liver(self.kinetics, self.stationary)
def _par_values(self, kin=False, export=False, seq=None):
if seq is not None:
pars = {
'SR': ['FA', 'TR', 'TC'],
'SS': ['FA', 'TR'],
'SRC': ['TC'],
pars = pars[self.sequence]
return {par: getattr(self, par) for par in pars}
if kin:
pars = liver.params_liver(self.kinetics, self.stationary)
return {par: getattr(self, par) for par in pars}
if export:
pars = self._par_values()
all = self._model_pars()
p1 = liver.params_liver(self.kinetics, self.stationary)
p2 = list(PARAMS_WHOLE_BODY.keys())
p3 = list(PARAMS_DERIVED.keys())
retain = p1 + p2 + p3 + ['S02a', 'S02l', 'BAT2']
discard = set(all) - set(retain)
return {p: pars[p] for p in pars if p not in discard}
pars = self._model_pars()
p = {par: getattr(self, par) for par in pars}
p['Th'] = np.mean([p['Th_i'], p['Th_f']])
except KeyError:
p['khe'] = np.mean([p['khe_i'], p['khe_f']])
except KeyError:
p['Kbh'] = _div(1, p['Th'])
except KeyError:
p['Khe'] = _div(p['khe'], p['ve'])
except KeyError:
p['kbh'] = _div(1-p['ve'], p['Th'])
except KeyError:
p['kbh_i'] = _div(1-p['ve'], p['Th_i'])
except KeyError:
p['kbh_f'] = _div(1-p['ve'], p['Th_f'])
except KeyError:
p['E'] = p['khe']/(p['khe']+p['Fp'])
except KeyError:
p['E'] = p['khe']/(p['khe']+self.Fp)
p['Ktrans'] = (1-p['E'])*p['khe']
except KeyError:
if p['vol'] is not None:
p['CL'] = p['khe']*p['vol']
except KeyError:
return p
# Prediction and training
't0': {
'init': 0,
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Baseline duration',
'unit': 'sec',
'dt': {
'init': 0.5,
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Forward model time step',
'unit': 'sec',
'tmax': {
'init': 120,
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Maximum acquisition time',
'unit': 'sec',
'dose_tolerance': {
'init': 0.1,
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Dose tolerance',
'unit': '',
# Injection
'field_strength': {
'init': 3.0,
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Magnetic field strength',
'unit': 'T',
'weight': {
'init': 70.0,
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Subject weight',
'unit': 'kg',
'agent': {
'init': 'gadoxetate',
'default_free': False,
'bounds': None,
'name': 'Contrast agent',
'unit': None,
'dose': {
'init': lib.ca_std_dose('gadoxetate')/2,
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'First contrast agent dose',
'unit': 'mL/kg',
'rate': {
'init': 1,
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Contrast agent injection rate',
'unit': 'mL/sec',
# Signal
'R10a': {
'init': 1/lib.T1(3.0, 'blood'),
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Aorta first baseline R1',
'unit': 'Hz',
'S0a': {
'init': 1,
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Aorta first signal scale factor',
'unit': 'a.u.',
'R10l': {
'init': 1/lib.T1(3.0, 'liver'),
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Liver first baseline R1',
'unit': 'Hz',
'S0l': {
'init': 1,
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Liver first signal scale factor',
'unit': 'a.u.',
'dose2': {
'init': lib.ca_std_dose('gadoxetate')/2,
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Second contrast agent dose',
'unit': 'mL/kg',
'R102a': {
'init': 1/lib.T1(3.0, 'blood'),
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Aorta second baseline R1',
'unit': 'Hz',
'S02a': {
'init': 1,
'default_free': True,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Aorta second signal scale factor',
'unit': 'a.u.',
'R102l': {
'init': 1/lib.T1(3.0, 'liver'),
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Liver second baseline R1',
'unit': 'Hz',
'S02l': {
'init': 1,
'default_free': True,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Liver second signal scale factor',
'unit': 'a.u.',
'BAT2': {
'init': 1200,
'default_free': True,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Second bolus arrival time',
'unit': 'sec',
# Body
'BAT': {
'init': 60,
'default_free': True,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'First bolus arrival time',
'unit': 'sec',
'CO': {
'init': 100,
'default_free': True,
'bounds': [0, 300],
'name': 'Cardiac output',
'unit': 'mL/sec',
'Thl': {
'init': 10,
'default_free': True,
'bounds': [0, 30],
'name': 'Heart-lung mean transit time',
'unit': 'sec',
'Dhl': {
'init': 0.2,
'default_free': True,
'bounds': [0.05, 0.95],
'name': 'Heart-lung dispersion',
'unit': '',
'To': {
'init': 20,
'default_free': True,
'bounds': [0, 60],
'name': 'Organs blood mean transit time',
'unit': 'sec',
'Eo': {
'init': 0.15,
'default_free': True,
'bounds': [0, 0.5],
'name': 'Organs extraction fraction',
'unit': '',
'Toe': {
'init': 120,
'default_free': True,
'bounds': [0, 800],
'name': 'Organs extravascular mean transit time',
'unit': 'sec',
'Eb': {
'init': 0.05,
'default_free': True,
'bounds': [0.01, 0.15],
'name': 'Body extraction fraction',
'unit': '',
'TR': {
'init': 0.005,
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Repetition time',
'unit': 'sec',
'FA': {
'init': 15.0,
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Flip angle',
'unit': 'deg',
'TC': {
'init': 0.180,
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Time to center',
'unit': 'sec',
'TS': {
'init': None,
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, np.inf],
'name': 'Sampling time',
'unit': 'sec',
'H': {
'init': 0.45,
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, 1],
'name': 'Hematocrit',
'unit': '',
'Te': {
'init': 30.0,
'default_free': True,
'bounds': [0.1, 60],
'name': 'Extracellular mean transit time',
'unit': 'sec',
'De': {
'init': 0.85,
'default_free': True,
'bounds': [0, 1],
'name': 'Extracellular dispersion',
'unit': '',
've': {
'init': 0.3,
'default_free': True,
'bounds': [0.01, 0.6],
'name': 'Liver extracellular volume fraction',
'unit': 'mL/cm3',
'khe': {
'init': 0.003,
'default_free': True,
'bounds': [0.0, 0.1],
'name': 'Hepatocellular uptake rate',
'unit': 'mL/sec/cm3',
'khe_i': {
'init': 0.003,
'default_free': True,
'bounds': [0.0, 0.1],
'name': 'Initial hepatocellular uptake rate',
'unit': 'mL/sec/cm3',
'khe_f': {
'init': 0.003,
'default_free': True,
'bounds': [0.0, 0.1],
'name': 'Final hepatocellular uptake rate',
'unit': 'mL/sec/cm3',
'Th': {
'init': 30*60,
'default_free': True,
'bounds': [10*60, 10*60*60],
'name': 'Hepatocellular mean transit time',
'unit': 'sec',
'Th_i': {
'init': 30*60,
'default_free': True,
'bounds': [10*60, 10*60*60],
'name': 'Initial hepatocellular mean transit time',
'unit': 'sec',
'Th_f': {
'init': 30*60,
'default_free': True,
'bounds': [10*60, 10*60*60],
'name': 'Final hepatocellular mean transit time',
'unit': 'sec',
'vol': {
'init': None,
'default_free': False,
'bounds': [0, 10000],
'name': 'Liver volume',
'unit': 'cm3',
'kbh': {
'name': 'Biliary excretion rate',
'unit': 'mL/sec/cm3',
'kbh_i': {
'name': 'Initial biliary excretion rate',
'unit': 'mL/sec/cm3',
'kbh_f': {
'name': 'Final biliary excretion rate',
'unit': 'mL/sec/cm3',
'Kbh': {
'name': 'Biliary tissue excretion rate',
'unit': 'mL/sec/cm3',
'Khe': {
'name': 'Hepatocellular tissue uptake rate',
'unit': 'mL/sec/cm3',
'E': {
'name': 'Liver extraction fraction',
'unit': '',
'Ktrans': {
'name': 'Hepatic plasma clearance',
'unit': 'mL/sec/cm3',
'CL': {
'name': 'Liver blood clearance',
'unit': 'mL/sec',
def _div(a, b):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
return np.divide(a, b)