import numpy as np
import as pk
def params_kidney(kinetics) -> list:
"""Kidney model parameters
kinetics (str): kidney model. Options are: 2CF.
list: Parameter short names
if kinetics == '2CF':
return ['Fp', 'vp', 'FF', 'Tt']
def conc_kidney(ca: np.ndarray, *params, t=None, dt=1.0, sum=True, kinetics='2CF', **kwargs) -> np.ndarray:
"""Concentration in kidney tissues.
ca (array-like): concentration in the arterial input.
params (tuple): free model parameters.
t (array_like, optional): the time points in sec of the input function *ca*. If *t* is not provided, the time points are assumed to be uniformly spaced with spacing *dt*. Defaults to None.
dt (float, optional): spacing in seconds between time points for uniformly spaced time points. This parameter is ignored if *t* is explicity provided. Defaults to 1.0.
kinetics (str, optional): Kinetics of the tissue, either '2CF', 'FN' - see below for detail. Defaults to '2CF'.
sum (bool, optional): For two-compartment tissues, set to True to return the total tissue concentration. Defaults to True.
kwargs (dict, optional): any optional keyword parameters required by the kinetic model - see below for detail.
numpy.ndarray: If sum=True, this is a 1D array with the total concentration at each time point. If sum=False this is the concentration in each compartment, and at each time point, as a 2D array with dimensions *(2,k)*, where *k* is the number of time points in *ca*. The concentration is returned in units of M.
Currently implemented kinetic models are:
- '2CF': two-compartment filtration model. params = (Fp, Tp, Ft, Tt,)
- 'FN': free nephron model. params = (Fp, Tp, Ft, h, ).
The model parameters are:
- **Fp** (float, mL/sec/mL): Plasma flow.
- **Tp** (float, sec): plasma mean transit time.
- **Ft** (float, mL/sec/mL): tubular flow.
- **Tt** (float, sec): tubular mean transit time.
- **hh** (array-like, 1/sec): frequences of transit time histogram. The boundaries of the transit time bins can be provided as an array in a keyword parameter TT, which has to have one more element than h. If TT is not provided, the transit time bins are equally space in the range [0, tmax], where tmax is the largest acquisition time.
Plot concentration in cortex and medulla for typical values:
.. plot::
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import dcmri as dc
Generate a population-average input function:
>>> t = np.arange(0, 300, 1.5)
>>> ca = dc.aif_parker(t, BAT=20)
Define some parameters and generate plasma and tubular tissue concentrations with a 2-compartment filtration model:
>>> Fp, Tp, Ft, Tt = 0.05, 10, 0.01, 120
>>> C = dc.conc_kidney(ca, Fp, Tp, Ft, Tt, t=t, sum=False, kinetics='2CF')
Plot all concentrations:
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(6,5))
>>> ax.set_title('Kidney concentrations')
>>> ax.plot(t/60, 1000*C[0,:], linestyle='--', linewidth=3.0, color='darkred', label='Plasma')
>>> ax.plot(t/60, 1000*C[1,:], linestyle='--', linewidth=3.0, color='darkblue', label='Tubuli')
>>> ax.plot(t/60, 1000*(C[0,:]+C[1,:]), linestyle='-', linewidth=3.0, color='grey', label='Whole kidney')
>>> ax.set_xlabel('Time (min)')
>>> ax.set_ylabel('Tissue concentration (mM)')
>>> ax.legend()
Use generate plasma and tubular tissue concentrations using the free nephron model for comparison. We assume 4 transit time bins with the following boundaries (in units of seconds):
>>> TT = [0, 15, 30, 60, 120]
with longest transit times most likely (note the frequences to not have to add up to 1):
>>> h = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> C = dc.conc_kidney(ca, Fp, Tp, Ft, h, t=t, sum=False, kinetics='FN', TT=TT)
Plot all concentrations:
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(6,5))
>>> ax.set_title('Kidney concentrations')
>>> ax.plot(t/60, 1000*C[0,:], linestyle='--', linewidth=3.0, color='darkred', label='Plasma')
>>> ax.plot(t/60, 1000*C[1,:], linestyle='--', linewidth=3.0, color='darkblue', label='Tubuli')
>>> ax.plot(t/60, 1000*(C[0,:]+C[1,:]), linestyle='-', linewidth=3.0, color='grey', label='Whole kidney')
>>> ax.set_xlabel('Time (min)')
>>> ax.set_ylabel('Tissue concentration (mM)')
>>> ax.legend()
if kinetics == '2CF':
return _conc_kidney_2cf(ca, *params, t=t, dt=dt, sum=sum)
elif kinetics == 'HF':
return _conc_kidney_hf(ca, *params, t=t, dt=dt, sum=sum)
elif kinetics == 'FN':
# TT = [15,30,60,90,150,300,600]
return _conc_kidney_fn(ca, *params, t=t, dt=dt, sum=sum, **kwargs)
raise ValueError('Kinetic model ' + kinetics +
' is not currently implemented.')
def _conc_kidney_2cf(ca, Fp, vp, Ft, Tt, t=None, dt=1.0, sum=True):
#vp = Tp*(Fp+Ft)
Tp = vp/(Fp+Ft)
Cp = pk.conc_comp(Fp*ca, Tp, t=t, dt=dt)
cp = Cp/vp
Ct = pk.conc_comp(Ft*cp, Tt, t=t, dt=dt)
if sum:
return Cp+Ct
return np.stack((Cp, Ct))
def _conc_kidney_hf(ca, vp, Ft, Tt, t=None, dt=1.0, sum=True):
Cp = vp*ca
Ct = pk.conc_comp(Ft*ca, Tt, t=t, dt=dt)
if sum:
return Cp+Ct
return np.stack((Cp, Ct))
def _conc_kidney_fn(ca, Fp, Tp, Ft, h, t=None, dt=1.0, sum=True, TT=None):
if TT is None:
if t is None:
tmax = dt*np.size(ca)
tmax = np.amax(t)
nTT = 1+np.size(h)
TT = np.linspace(0, tmax, nTT)
vp = Tp*(Fp+Ft)
Cp = pk.conc_plug(Fp*ca, Tp, t=t, dt=dt)
cp = Cp/vp
Ct = pk.conc_free(Ft*cp, h, dt=dt, TT=TT, solver='step')
if sum:
return Cp+Ct
return np.stack((Cp, Ct))
def conc_kidney_cortex_medulla(ca: np.ndarray, *params, t=None, dt=1.0, sum=True, kinetics='7C'):
"""Concentration in kidney cortex and medulla tissues.
ca (array-like): concentration in the arterial input.
params (tuple): free model parameters.
t (array_like, optional): the time points in sec of the input function *ca*. If *t* is not provided, the time points are assumed to be uniformly spaced with spacing *dt*. Defaults to None.
dt (float, optional): spacing in seconds between time points for uniformly spaced time points. This parameter is ignored if *t* is explicity provided. Defaults to 1.0.
sum (bool, optional): For two-compartment tissues, set to True to return the total tissue concentration. Defaults to True.
kinetics (str, optional): Kinetics of the tissue, currently only '7C' available - see below for detail. Defaults to '7F'.
tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]: If sum=True, each return value is a 1D array with the total concentration at each time point, in cortex and medulla, respectively. If sum=False each return value is the concentration in each compartment, and at each time point, of cortex and medulla as a 2D array with dimensions *(n,k)*, where n is the number of compartments and *k* is the number of time points in *ca*. The concentration is returned in units of M.
Currently implemented kinetic models are:
- '7CF': 7-compartment model. params = (Fp, Eg, fc, Tg, Tv, Tpt, Tlh, Tdt, Tcd,). Cortico-medullary model with 4 cortical compartments (glomeruli, peritubular capillaries & veins, proximal tubuli and distal tubuli) and 3 medullary compartments (peritubular capillaries & veins, list of Henle and collecting ducts).
The 9 model parameters are:
- **Fp** (float): Plasma flow into the tissue, in units of mL plasma per sec and per mL tissue (mL/sec/mL).
- **Eg** (float): Glomerular extraction fraction
- **fc** (float): Cortical flow fraction
- **Tg** (float): Glomerular mean transit time in sec
- **Tv** (float): Peritubular & venous mean transit time in sec
- **Tpt** (float): Proximal tubuli mean transit time in sec
- **Tlh** (float): Lis of Henle mean transit time in sec
- **Tdt** (float): Distal tubuli mean transit time in sec
- **Tcd** (float): Collecting duct mean transit time in sec
Plot concentration in cortex and medulla for typical values:
.. plot::
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import dcmri as dc
Generate a population-average input function:
>>> t = np.arange(0, 300, 1.5)
>>> ca = dc.aif_parker(t, BAT=20)
Use the function to generate total cortex and medulla tissue concentrations:
>>> Fp, Eg, fc, Tg, Tv, Tpt, Tlh, Tdt, Tcd = 0.03, 0.15, 0.8, 4, 10, 60, 60, 30, 30
>>> Cc, Cm = dc.conc_kidney_cortex_medulla(ca, Fp, Eg, fc, Tg, Tv, Tpt, Tlh, Tdt, Tcd, t=t, kinetics='7C')
Plot all concentrations:
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(6,5))
>>> ax.set_title('Kidney concentrations')
>>> ax.plot(t/60, 1000*Cc, linestyle='-', linewidth=3.0, color='darkblue', label='Cortex')
>>> ax.plot(t/60, 1000*Cm, linestyle='-', linewidth=3.0, color='darkgreen', label='Medulla')
>>> ax.plot(t/60, 1000*(Cc+Cm), linestyle='-', linewidth=3.0, color='darkgrey', label='Whole kidney')
>>> ax.set_xlabel('Time (min)')
>>> ax.set_ylabel('Tissue concentration (mM)')
>>> ax.legend()
if kinetics == '7C':
return _conc_kidney_cm9(ca, *params, t=t, dt=dt, sum=sum)
raise ValueError('Kinetic model ' + kinetics +
' is not currently implemented.')
def _conc_kidney_cm9(ca, Fp, Eg, fc, Tg, Tv, Tpt, Tlh, Tdt, Tcd, t=None, dt=1.0, sum=True):
# Flux out of the glomeruli and arterial tree
Jg = pk.flux(Fp*ca, Tg, t=t, dt=dt, model='comp')
# Flux out of the peritubular capillaries and venous system
Jv = pk.flux((1-Eg)*Jg, Tv, t=t, dt=dt, model='comp')
# Flux out of the proximal tubuli
Jpt = pk.flux(Eg*Jg, Tpt, t=t, dt=dt, model='comp')
# Flux out of the lis of Henle
Jlh = pk.flux(Jpt, Tlh, t=t, dt=dt, model='comp')
# Flux out of the distal tubuli
Jdt = pk.flux(Jlh, Tdt, t=t, dt=dt, model='comp')
# Flux out of the collecting ducts
Jcd = pk.flux(Jdt, Tcd, t=t, dt=dt, model='comp')
# Build cortical concentrations
Cg = Tg*Jg # arteries/glomeruli
Cv = fc*Tv*Jv # part of the peritubular capillaries
Cpt = Tpt*Jpt # proximal tubuli
Cdt = Tdt*Jdt # distal tubuli
if sum:
Ccor = Cg + Cv + Cpt + Cdt
Ccor = np.stack((Cg, Cv, Cpt, Cdt))
# Build medullary concentrations
Cv = (1-fc)*Tv*Jv # part of the peritubular capillaries
Clh = Tlh*Jlh # Lis of Henle
Ccd = Tcd*Jcd # collecting ducts
if sum:
Cmed = Cv + Clh + Ccd
Cmed = np.stack((Cv, Clh, Ccd))
return Ccor, Cmed