Getting started
``dcmri`` can be installed using pip:
.. code-block:: console
pip install dcmri
Basic usage
The most common application of DCMRI involves measurement of the endothelial
permeability using a steady-state MRI sequence
and a `Tofts model `_. In this
section we illustrate the basic usage of ``dcmri`` by applying this model to
synthetic data.
We start by import the package and generating synthetic region-of-interest
(ROI) data using `dcmri.fake_tissue`.
We want these to look realistic, so we are adding noise with a
contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) of 50:
.. code-block:: python
import dcmri as dc
time, aif, roi, _ = dc.fake_tissue(CNR=50)
Here *time* is an array of time points, *aif* is a signal-time curve measured
in a feeding artery at those times, and *roi* is a signal-time curve measured
in a region of interest.
Next we find a suitable tissue type from the
:ref:`tissue bank ` and initialize it. For most common
applications, this will be `dcmri.Tissue`:
.. code-block:: python
tissue = dc.Tissue(aif=aif, t=time)
At this point this is still a generic tissue with default parameter values.
The next step is to train the tissue using the ROI data:
.. code-block:: python
tissue.train(time, roi)
And that's it. We can now display the measured tissue parameters:
.. code-block:: python
.. code-block:: console
Free parameters with their stdev
Blood volume (vb): 0.018 (0.002) mL/cm3
Interstitial volume (vi): 0.174 (0.004) mL/cm3
Permeability-surface area product (PS): 0.002 (0.0) mL/sec/cm3
Fixed and derived parameters
Tissue Hematocrit (H): 0.45
Plasma volume (vp): 0.01 mL/cm3
Interstitial mean transit time (Ti): 74.614 sec
B1-corrected Flip Angle (FAcorr): 15 deg
The standard deviations of the free parameters are orders of magnitude
smaller than the value itself, which offers confidence that the tissue
properties are well determined by the data.
We should also verify that the trained tissue does indeed predict the data
.. code-block:: python
tissue.plot(time, roi)
.. image:: tissue.png
:width: 600
The signal plot on the left shows that the model correctly predicts the
measured data, except for the noise. The plot on the right shows that
the reconstructed concentrations in blood and tissue have the expected
profiles and that values are in an expected range for a standard contrast
agent injection (0-5mM in blood).
Customizing the tissue model
Since the extended Tofts model is the most widely used approach, it is set as
default in `dcmri.Tissue` and does not need to be specified explicitly.
Similarly other configurations such as initial values, parameter ranges and
which parameters to fix in the analysis - are set to reasonable defaults.
Analysing the data with other configurations is not much more difficult. Let's
do the analysis again, but this time allowing for restricted water-exchange
across the tissue cell walls. We can do this by setting the water exchange
model to 'FR', meaning fast (F) water exchange across the endothelium, and
restricted (R) water exchange across the tissue cell walls:
.. code-block:: python
tissue = dc.Tissue(aif=aif, t=time, water_exchange='FR')
tissue.train(time, roi).print_params(round_to=3)
.. code-block:: console
Free parameters with their stdev
Transcytolemmal water PS (PSc): 533.268 (19598.606) mL/sec/cm3
Blood volume (vb): 0.018 (0.002) mL/cm3
Interstitial volume (vi): 0.174 (0.007) mL/cm3
Permeability-surface area product (PS): 0.002 (0.0) mL/sec/cm3
Fixed and derived parameters
Tissue Hematocrit (H): 0.45
Plasma volume (vp): 0.01 mL/cm3
Interstitial mean transit time (Ti): 74.605 sec
Intracellular water mean transit time (Twc): 0.002 sec
B1-corrected Flip Angle (FAcorr): 15 deg
We now get an additional value for the water exchange exchange across the
cell wall - which is very high in this case (and imprecise) because the
synthetic data are generated for a tissue with infinite water exchange.
Any other options can be set in the same way. As an example, we run this same
model again, but this time we provide a different initial value for the blood
volume, and we treat the B1-correction factor as a free parameter with
bounds [0,2] (by default this is fixed to 1):
.. code-block:: python
tissue = dc.Tissue(aif=aif, t=time, water_exchange='FR', vb=0.5)
Train the tissue again and print the parameters. We illustrate here also how
methods in dcmri tissue models can be chained:
.. code-block:: python
tissue.train(time, roi).print_params(round_to=3)
.. code-block:: console
Free parameters with their stdev
Transcytolemmal water PS (PSc): 264.663 (16140.959) mL/sec/cm3
Blood volume (vb): 0.017 (0.003) mL/cm3
Interstitial volume (vi): 0.169 (0.022) mL/cm3
Permeability-surface area product (PS): 0.002 (0.0) mL/sec/cm3
Tissue B1-correction factor (B1corr): 0.98 (0.027)
Fixed and derived parameters
Tissue Hematocrit (H): 0.45
Plasma volume (vp): 0.009 mL/cm3
Interstitial mean transit time (Ti): 74.373 sec
Intracellular water mean transit time (Twc): 0.003 sec
B1-corrected Flip Angle (FAcorr): 14.701 deg
Since the synthetic data are generated with an exact flip angle, the B1
correction is close to 1 - as expected.
Pixel-based analysis
``dcmri`` includes dedicated tools for pixel-based analysis. To illustrate these,
we analyse synthetic brain images with an extended Tofts model.
First let's generate some synthetic brain images. For the purpose of this
illustration we use coarse 128 x 128 images:
.. code-block:: python
n = 128
time, signal, aif, _ = dc.fake_brain(n)
In this case, *time* and *aif* are still 1D arrays of time points, but
*signal* is 3D array (2D + time) with pixel-based synthetic data.
Since the data are now images, we analyse them using `dcmri.TissueArray`
instead of `dcmri.Tissue`. Since pixel-based computations take more time, we
display a progress bar during computations by setting the verbosity to 1:
.. code-block:: python
shape = (n, n)
image = dc.TissueArray(shape, aif=aif, t=time, verbose=1)
Now we train the image model on the data and plot the results:
.. code-block:: python
image.train(time, signal)
image.plot(time, signal)
.. image:: pixel.png
:width: 600
As before - by default this runs the extended Tofts model for every pixel.
The model predicts the data well (left) but parameter maps (right) show
unrealistic PS values in the normal brain tissue - a known issue with
this model in the brain. Let's analyse these data again with a model that is
more suitable for whole-brain analysis (2-compartment uptake model, aka 2CU):
.. code-block:: python
image = dc.TissueArray(shape, aif=aif, t=time, verbose=1, kinetics='2CU')
Train the model on the data and plot the maps again:
.. code-block:: python
image.train(time, signal).plot(time, signal)
.. image:: pixel_2cu.png
:width: 600
The PS values are now zero everywhere, except in the lesions with broken
blood-brain barrier. The maps in the lower row also show that parameter
estimates are unreliable in the ventricles, which are not accessible to the
contrast agent.
Further customization of pixel-based models, such as
setting initial values or modifying parameter ranges, also works in the same
way as for the ROI-based model `dcmri.Tissue`.