dcmri 0.6.4 =========== We're happy to announce the release of dcmri 0.6.4! Summary ------- This version includes a new collection of classic PK models including Tofts, extended Tofts, Patlak, 2-compartment uptake/exchange/filtration. Other ----- - 0.6.3 release notes (`#102 `_). - 0.6.3 release notes (`#103 `_). - update of readme and release notes (`#104 `_). - Added classic models (`#105 `_). - new modules for signal analysis setup (`#106 `_). - Bump version number (`#107 `_). - Version 0.6.4 (`#108 `_). Contributors ------------ 1 authors added to this release (alphabetically): - Steven Sourbron (`@plaresmedima `_) 1 reviewers added to this release (alphabetically): - Steven Sourbron (`@plaresmedima `_)