dcmri 0.6.3 =========== We're happy to announce the release of dcmri 0.6.3! Summary -------- A release without change in functionality to test the release process, after simplifying some of the steps. Changes ------- - Add code coverage upload (`#75 `_). - update README file extension in toml file (`#77 `_). - dummy test codecov upload (`#78 `_). - Update pytest-actions.yaml (`#79 `_). - Update pytest-actions.yaml (`#80 `_). - Update pytest-actions.yaml (`#81 `_). - update pytest-actions (`#82 `_). - Update pytest-actions.yaml (`#83 `_). - Update pytest-actions.yaml (`#84 `_). - code coverage badge in README (`#85 `_). - Update README.rst (`#86 `_). - Update README.rst (`#87 `_). - Added download badges (`#88 `_). - Code coverage upload (`#76 `_). - license badge (`#89 `_). - Added license badge in readme (`#90 `_). - test doc action (`#91 `_). - Test doc action (`#92 `_). - update doc action (`#93 `_). - update doc action (`#94 `_). - bump version number to 0.6.3 (`#95 `_). - update __init__ (`#96 `_). - Update __init__.py (`#97 `_). - change test action (`#98 `_). - update init (`#99 `_). - Fixed pytest actions bug (`#100 `_). - 0.6.3 release (`#101 `_). Contributors ------------ 2 authors added to this release (alphabetically): - `@EbonyGunwhy `_ - Steven Sourbron (`@plaresmedima `_) 1 reviewers added to this release (alphabetically): - Steven Sourbron (`@plaresmedima `_)