dcmri 0.6.1 =========== We're happy to announce the release of dcmri 0.6.1! Summary -------- This is the first functional release with one section on :ref:`pharmoacokinetic building blocks ` complete, including full documentation for all functions and 100% test coverage. Changes ------- - Dev (`#24 `_). - Dev (`#25 `_). - fix: run Sphinx make in GH action using Poetry (`#26 `_). - Dev (`#27 `_). - bump version 0.1.2 -> 0.2.0 (`#28 `_). - cleanup (`#29 `_). - pk.py and population AIF (`#30 `_). - Completed convolution functionality (`#31 `_). - Added function stepconv() (`#32 `_). - Add compartment model functions (`#33 `_). - Added: plug flow system (`#34 `_). - bug fixes (`#35 `_). - Added chain model + fixed sphinx bug (`#36 `_). - Step system + correction in plug flow (`#37 `_). - Added tool dstep (`#38 `_). - added discrete distribution in tools (`#39 `_). - Added free system (`#40 `_). - build: update pytest-actions to run using Poetry build (`#41 `_). - fixed test issue with warnings as errors (`#42 `_). - fix: use different OS install options for Poetry in pytest action (`#43 `_). - Completed linear an stationary PK building blocks (`#44 `_). - code coverage to 100%!! (`#45 `_). - Smaller adjustments in docs ahead of release (`#47 `_). - some edits in parker AIF docs (`#48 `_). - Added links to author profiles (`#49 `_). - Dev (`#50 `_). - Dev (`#51 `_). - Added non-linear and non-stationary models (`#53 `_). - Added non-linear and non-stationary models (`#52 `_). - Release 0.6.1 (`#55 `_). - synching main and dev (`#56 `_). - bump version number to 0.6.1 (`#57 `_). - 0.6.1 (`#58 `_). - Changelog in documentation (`#59 `_). - Changelog in documentation (`#61 `_). - update sphinx dependencies (`#62 `_). - update poetry.lock (`#63 `_). - Update poetry.lock (`#64 `_). - Moved changelog to releases page (`#65 `_). - Moved changelog to releases page (`#66 `_). Contributors ------------ 2 authors added to this release (alphabetically): - `@EbonyGunwhy `_ - Steven Sourbron (`@plaresmedima `_) 2 reviewers added to this release (alphabetically): - `@EbonyGunwhy `_ - Steven Sourbron (`@plaresmedima `_)