import numpy as np
import as pk
import dcmri.utils as utils
def params_liver(kinetics='2I-EC', stationary='UE') -> list:
"""Parameters characterizing a liver tissue.
For more detail see :ref:`liver-tissues`.
kinetics (str, optional): Tracer-kinetic regime. Defaults to '2C-EC'.
stationary (bool, optional): Stationary kinetics or not.
Defaults to False.
list: liver parameters
ValueError: if the configuration is not recognized.
Print the parameters of a liver tissue:
>>> import dcmri as dc
>>> dc.params_liver('2I-EC', True)
['ve', 'Fp', 'fa', 'Ta']
if kinetics == '2I-EC':
return ['H', 've', 'Fp', 'fa', 'Ta']
if kinetics == '2I-EC-HF':
return ['H', 've', 'fa', 'Ta']
if kinetics == '1I-EC':
return ['H', 've', 'Fp', 'fa', 'Ta', 'Tg']
if kinetics == '1I-EC-D':
return ['H', 've', 'Te', 'De']
if kinetics == '2I-IC':
if stationary == 'UE':
return ['H', 've', 'Fp', 'fa', 'Ta', 'khe', 'Th']
elif stationary == 'E':
return ['H', 've', 'Fp', 'fa', 'Ta', 'khe_i', 'khe_f', 'Th']
elif stationary == 'U':
return ['H', 've', 'Fp', 'fa', 'Ta', 'khe', 'Th_i', 'Th_f']
elif stationary is None:
return ['H', 've', 'Fp', 'fa', 'Ta', 'khe_i', 'khe_f', 'Th_i', 'Th_f']
if kinetics == '2I-IC-U':
if stationary == 'U':
return ['H', 've', 'Fp', 'fa', 'Ta', 'khe']
elif stationary == None:
return ['H', 've', 'Fp', 'fa', 'Ta', 'khe_i', 'khe_f']
if kinetics == '2I-IC-HF':
if stationary == 'UE':
return ['H', 've', 'fa', 'Ta', 'khe', 'Th']
elif stationary == 'E':
return ['H', 've', 'fa', 'Ta', 'khe_i', 'khe_f', 'Th']
elif stationary == 'U':
return ['H', 've', 'fa', 'Ta', 'khe', 'Th_i', 'Th_f']
elif stationary is None:
return ['H', 've', 'fa', 'Ta', 'khe_i', 'khe_f', 'Th_i', 'Th_f']
if kinetics == '1I-IC-HF':
if stationary == 'UE':
return ['H', 've', 'khe', 'Th']
elif stationary == 'E':
return ['H', 've', 'khe_i', 'khe_f', 'Th']
elif stationary == 'U':
return ['H', 've', 'khe', 'Th_i', 'Th_f']
elif stationary is None:
return ['H', 've', 'khe_i', 'khe_f', 'Th_i', 'Th_f']
if kinetics == '1I-IC-D':
if stationary == 'UE':
return ['H', 've', 'Te', 'De', 'khe', 'Th']
elif stationary == 'E':
return ['H', 've', 'Te', 'De', 'khe_i', 'khe_f', 'Th']
elif stationary == 'U':
return ['H', 've', 'Te', 'De', 'khe', 'Th_i', 'Th_f']
elif stationary is None:
return ['H', 've', 'Te', 'De', 'khe_i', 'khe_f', 'Th_i', 'Th_f']
if kinetics == '1I-IC-DU':
if stationary == 'U':
return ['H', 've', 'Te', 'De', 'khe']
elif stationary == None:
return ['H', 've', 'Te', 'De', 'khe_i', 'khe_f']
raise ValueError(
"The model " + str(kinetics) + ", " + str(stationary) + " is "
"not recognised."
def conc_liver(ca, t=None, dt=1.0, sum=True, cv=None, **params):
"""Concentration in liver tissue.
See section :ref:`liver-tissues` for background.
ca (array-like): blood concentration in the arterial input.
params (tuple): free model parameters.
t (array_like, optional): the time points in sec of the input function
*ca*. If *t* is not provided, the time points are assumed to be
uniformly spaced with spacing *dt*. Defaults to None.
dt (float, optional): spacing in seconds between time points for
uniformly spaced time points. This parameter is ignored if *t* is
explicity provided. Defaults to 1.0.
sum (bool, optional): For two-compartment tissues, set to True to
return the total tissue concentration. Defaults to True.
cv (array-like, optional): portal venous blood concentration for dual-inlet
models. Defaults to None.
params (dict): the model parameters as keyword arguments. See table
:ref:`table-liver-models` for possible options.
numpy.ndarray: If sum=True, this is a 1D array with the total
concentration at each time point. If sum=False this is the
concentration in each compartment, and at each time point, as a
2D array with dimensions *(2,k)*, where *k* is the number of time
points in *ca*. The concentration is returned in units of M.
Plot concentration in cortex and medulla for typical values:
.. plot::
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import dcmri as dc
Generate a population-average input function:
>>> t = np.arange(0, 30*60, 1.5)
>>> ca = dc.aif_parker(t, BAT=20)
Generate plasma and tubular tissue
concentrations with a non-stationary model:
>>> C = dc.conc_liver(ca, t, sum=False,
>>> H = 0.45, ve = 0.2, Te = 30, De = 0.5,
>>> khe = [0.003, 0.01], Th = [180, 600],
>>> )
Plot all concentrations:
>>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(6,5))
>>> ax.set_title('Kidney concentrations')
>>> ax.plot(t/60, 1000*C[0,:], linestyle='--', linewidth=3.0,
>>> color='darkred', label='Extracellular')
>>> ax.plot(t/60, 1000*C[1,:], linestyle='--', linewidth=3.0,
>>> color='darkblue', label='Hepatocytes')
>>> ax.plot(t/60, 1000*(C[0,:]+C[1,:]), linestyle='-', linewidth=3.0,
>>> color='grey', label='Whole liver')
>>> ax.set_xlabel('Time (min)')
>>> ax.set_ylabel('Tissue concentration (mM)')
>>> ax.legend()
# Combine non-stationary parameters in a single array
if 'khe_i' in params:
params['khe'] = [params['khe_i'], params['khe_f']]
del params['khe_i']
del params['khe_f']
if 'Th_i' in params:
params['Th'] = [params['Th_i'], params['Th_f']]
del params['Th_i']
del params['Th_f']
model = set(params.keys())
# Extracellular - Single inlet - Dispersion
if model == {'H', 've', 'Te', 'De'}:
ca = ca / (1-params['H'])
return _conc_liver(
ca, params['ve'], t=t, dt=dt,
extracellular = ['pfcomp', (params['Te'], params['De'])])
# Extracellular - Single inlet - Compartment
elif model == {'H', 've', 'Fp', 'fa', 'Ta', 'Tg'}:
ca = ca / (1-params['H'])
cv = pk.flux_comp(ca, params['Tg'], t=t, dt=dt)
return _conc_liverav(
ca, cv,
params['Ta'], params['fa'], params['Fp'], params['ve'],
t=t, dt=dt)
# Extracellular - Dual inlet - High flow
elif model == {'H', 've', 'fa', 'Ta'}:
ca = ca / (1-params['H'])
cv = cv / (1-params['H'])
ca = pk.flux(ca, params['Ta'], t=t, dt=dt, model='plug')
ce = params['fa']*ca + (1-params['fa'])*cv
return params['ve']*ce
# Extracellular - Dual inlet - Compartment
elif model == {'H', 've', 'Fp', 'fa', 'Ta'}:
ca = ca / (1-params['H'])
cv = cv / (1-params['H'])
return _conc_liverav(
ca, cv,
params['Ta'], params['fa'], params['Fp'], params['ve'],
t=t, dt=dt)
# Intracellular - Single inlet - High flow
elif model == {'H', 've', 'khe', 'Th'}:
ca = ca / (1-params['H'])
khe, Th = params['khe'], params['Th']
if not np.isscalar(khe):
if np.size(khe) != np.size(ca):
tarr = utils.tarray(np.size(ca), t=t, dt=dt)
khe = utils.interp(khe, tarr)
if np.isscalar(Th):
hep = 'comp'
hep = 'nscomp'
if np.size(Th) != np.size(ca):
tarr = utils.tarray(np.size(ca), t=t, dt=dt)
Th = utils.interp(Th, tarr)
return _conc_liver_hep(
ca, params['ve'], khe*(1-params['H']), t=t, dt=dt, sum=sum,
extracellular = ['pass', ()],
hepatocytes = [hep, (Th,)])
# Intracellular - Single inlet - Dispersion
elif model == {'H', 've', 'Te', 'De', 'khe', 'Th'}:
ca = ca / (1-params['H'])
khe, Th = params['khe'], params['Th']
if not np.isscalar(khe):
if np.size(khe) != np.size(ca):
tarr = utils.tarray(np.size(ca), t=t, dt=dt)
khe = utils.interp(khe, tarr)
if np.isscalar(Th):
hep = 'comp'
hep = 'nscomp'
if np.size(Th) != np.size(ca):
tarr = utils.tarray(np.size(ca), t=t, dt=dt)
Th = utils.interp(Th, tarr)
return _conc_liver_hep(
ca, params['ve'], khe*(1-params['H']), t=t, dt=dt, sum=sum,
extracellular = ['pfcomp', (params['Te'], params['De'])],
hepatocytes = [hep, (Th,)])
# Intracellular - Single inlet - Dispersion uptake
elif model == {'H', 've', 'Te', 'De', 'khe'}:
ca = ca / (1-params['H'])
khe = params['khe']
if not np.isscalar(khe):
if np.size(khe) != np.size(ca):
tarr = utils.tarray(np.size(ca), t=t, dt=dt)
khe = utils.interp(khe, tarr)
return _conc_liver_hep(
ca, params['ve'], khe*(1-params['H']), t=t, dt=dt, sum=sum,
extracellular = ['pfcomp', (params['Te'], params['De'])],
hepatocytes = ['trap', ()])
# Intracellular - Dual inlet - High flow
elif model == {'H', 've', 'fa', 'Ta', 'khe', 'Th'}:
ca = ca / (1-params['H'])
cv = cv / (1-params['H'])
khe, Th = params['khe'], params['Th']
if not np.isscalar(khe):
if np.size(khe) != np.size(ca):
tarr = utils.tarray(np.size(ca), t=t, dt=dt)
khe = utils.interp(khe, tarr)
if np.isscalar(Th):
hep = 'comp'
hep = 'nscomp'
if np.size(Th) != np.size(ca):
tarr = utils.tarray(np.size(ca), t=t, dt=dt)
Th = utils.interp(Th, tarr)
return _conc_liverav_hep(
ca, cv,
params['Ta'], params['fa'], params['ve'], khe*(1-params['H']),
t=t, dt=dt, sum=sum,
extracellular = ['pass', ()],
hepatocytes = [hep, (Th,)])
# Intracellular - Dual inlet - Compartment
elif model == {'H', 've', 'Fp', 'fa', 'Ta', 'khe', 'Th'}:
ca = ca / (1-params['H'])
cv = cv / (1-params['H'])
Te = params['ve']/params['Fp']
khe, Th = params['khe'], params['Th']
if not np.isscalar(khe):
if np.size(khe) != np.size(ca):
tarr = utils.tarray(np.size(ca), t=t, dt=dt)
khe = utils.interp(khe, tarr)
if np.isscalar(Th):
hep = 'comp'
hep = 'nscomp'
if np.size(Th) != np.size(ca):
tarr = utils.tarray(np.size(ca), t=t, dt=dt)
Th = utils.interp(Th, tarr)
return _conc_liverav_hep(
ca, cv,
params['Ta'], params['fa'], params['ve'], khe*(1-params['H']),
t=t, dt=dt, sum=sum,
extracellular=['comp', (Te,)],
hepatocytes=[hep, (Th,)])
# Intracellular - Dual inlet - Uptake
elif model == {'H', 've', 'Fp', 'fa', 'Ta', 'khe'}:
ca = ca / (1-params['H'])
cv = cv / (1-params['H'])
Te = params['ve']/params['Fp']
khe = params['khe']
if not np.isscalar(khe):
if np.size(khe) != np.size(ca):
tarr = utils.tarray(np.size(ca), t=t, dt=dt)
khe = utils.interp(khe, tarr)
return _conc_liverav_hep(
ca, cv,
params['Ta'], params['fa'], params['ve'], khe*(1-params['H']),
t=t, dt=dt, sum=sum,
extracellular=['comp', (Te,)],
hepatocytes=['trap', ()])
raise ValueError(
'There is no liver model with parameters ' + str(model) + '.')
def _conc_liver(ca, ve,
extracellular=['pfcomp', (30, 0.85)],
t=None, dt=1.0):
# Propagate through the extracellular space
ce = pk.flux(ca, *extracellular[1], t=t, dt=dt, model=extracellular[0])
# Tissue concentration in the extracellular space
Ce = ve*ce
return Ce
def _conc_liverav(ca, cv, Ta: float, af, Fp, ve, t=None, dt=1.0):
# Propagate through arterial tree
ca = pk.flux(ca, Ta, t=t, dt=dt, model='plug')
# Determine inlet concentration
cp = af*ca + (1-af)*cv
# Tissue concentration in the extracellular space
Te = ve/Fp
Ce = pk.conc_comp(Fp*cp, Te, t=t, dt=dt)
return Ce
def _conc_liver_hep(ca, ve, khe, t=None, dt=1.0, sum=True,
extracellular=['pfcomp', (30, 0.85)],
hepatocytes=['comp', (30*60,)]):
# Propagate through the extracellular space
ce = pk.flux(ca, *extracellular[1], t=t, dt=dt, model=extracellular[0])
# Tissue concentration in the extracellular space
Ce = ve*ce
# Tissue concentration in the hepatocytes
Ch = pk.conc(khe*ce, *hepatocytes[1], t=t, dt=dt, model=hepatocytes[0])
if sum:
return Ce+Ch
return np.stack((Ce, Ch))
def _conc_liverav_hep(ca, cv, Ta, af, ve, khe, t=None, dt=1.0, sum=True,
extracellular=['pfcomp', (30, 0.85)],
hepatocytes=['comp', (30*60,)]):
# Propagate through arterial tree
ca = pk.flux(ca, Ta, t=t, dt=dt, model='plug')
# Determine inlet concentration
cp = af*ca + (1-af)*cv
# Propagate through the extracellular space
ce = pk.flux(cp, *extracellular[1], t=t, dt=dt, model=extracellular[0])
# Tissue concentration in the extracellular space
Ce = ve*ce
# Tissue concentration in the hepatocytes
Ch = pk.conc(khe*ce, *hepatocytes[1], t=t, dt=dt, model=hepatocytes[0])
if sum:
return Ce+Ch
return np.stack((Ce, Ch))